A Brief History

In 2007 Strictbaptist.com began with a simple web page which was to be used for sharing the Gadsby’s Hymns with the tunes for the Church in Chilliwack, British Columbia. When Hope Strict Baptist Church began, we met together to practice the Gadsby’s hymns with tunes which where unfamiliar.

Over the years as the Lord blessed the little chapel

with visiting ministers, these services where recorded and, with permission, posted on the website for others hoping the Lord would bless it to the the souls of many.

After some time letters where received from individuals who felt that the Lord has blessed these recorded services to their souls. We learned that some of these individuals where either incapable of attending chapel, or they have no chapel to attend. This encouraged us to continue to put more sermons on the website.

After five years and over 750 sermons we began to realize that we could not continue this work alone. Placing sermons on the site was quite time consuming and many sermons are still not on the site for that reason. With the donations of others we where able to create ‘Bethlehem’s Well‘. The simplicity of this new website allows others to contribute to this work. This site allows them, with permission, to add sermons to the site themselves.

We hope and pray that the Lord will continue to give us, and others, strength and desire to continue with this work. May it be to the Lord’s honor and glory.

If you desire to know more about the Gospel Standard Churches, you can read more: