Backsliding souls, return to God 858
Backwards and forwards thrice he ran, 153
Bad shepherds will flee, yet what’s that to us 804
Banish all our guilt and fear. 515
Banish all your guilty fears 90
Baptized Christian, bear the cross. 718
Baptized into his death, 863
Baptized into his death, and then 432
Baptized with fire, and bathed in blood. 718
Barren, wandering from the fold. 1037
Barrenness is not all I bear 875
Bars the sinner’s peace no more 982
Base and vile, from head to feet 611
Base as I am, yet, blessed Lord, 510
Base ingratitude indeed!) 208
Base it is, and full of guile, 742
Bastards may escape the rod, 282
Bathe here and be whole, wash here and be white 155
Bathed in agonies and blood, 611
Bathed in blood was Christ for me 562
Be all the glory thine. 455
Be all things else accounted dross, 797
Be ascribed for evermore. 776
Be banished from our mind 1129
Be baptized in my name. 428
Be deaf when I complain 136
Be doomed to Tophet’s endless flame, 87A
Be endless blessings paid 19
Be everlasting honour given 211
Be everlasting peace. 341
Be every anxious thought suppressed, 1086
Be exercised again 434
Be felt by all assembled here! 1142
Be found at thy right hand 938
Be glory, praise, and honour given 868
Be her attendants blest. 361
Be his mercy, therefore, sought 789
Be in rags, exposed to shame, 874
Be interred at his commanding 428
Be it but his pleasure. 780
Be it ours his word to keep 1063
Be it that from thee we’re freed 154
Be, Lord, for ever thine. 1005
Be love your aim, for I am love. 810
Be mine this better part. 249
Be mine to recommend thy grace, 974
Be my everlasting all! 944
Be my guide in every peril, 1101
Be my Pilot in each storm 769
Be my portion, Lord, alone. 944
Be neither weak nor small, 287
Be not as they could wish, 634
Be of sin the double cure, 143
Be our Guardian, 208
Be passed unheeded by 715
Be patient and steady, and wait on him still. 687
Be patient under every cross 771
Be precious to us all beside is as dross, 68
Be saved, to sin no more. 160
Be shame and self-abhorrence mine. 323
Be silent, each unhallowed tongue, 219
Be silent, still ’tis there. 287
Be simple, meek, and kind 512
Be something, and yet nothing, there. 172
Be sovereign love for ever blest, 1094
Be spotless as snow, and as white 233
Be sprinkled on each guilty heart, 716
Be sprinkled with thy blood! 105
Be still and know that thou art God. 275
Be still and know that thou art God. 275
Be still and know that thou art God. 275
Be still, my heart! these anxious cares 961
Be strict obedience paid 50
Be sullen, or repine 261
Be sweetly felt within 508
Be sweetly graven on my heart, 148
Be thankful for present, and then ask for more. 778
Be that far from thee, Lord. 731
Be that forgotten never 806
Be the breastplate of thy heart. 270
Be the language of our souls, 706
Be the Lord’s adopted child 1031
Be this my great, my only care, 1085
Be this one God adored, 517
Be this our constant care 796
Be this religion mine. 105
Be this the cry of every heart, 1088
Be thou both life and light to me. 1052
Be thou, dear Jesus, ever near, 945
Be thou, dear Lord, my hiding-place, 938
Be thou, dear Lord, still nigh, 294
Be thou, in every time of need, 459
Be thou my all-sufficient Friend, 341
Be thou my Counsellor, 122
Be thou my portion, Lord, alone! 1070
Be thou my Shield and constant Sun! 945
Be thou my shield and hiding-place, 388
Be thou my strength and righteousness, 764
Be thou our Guard while life shall last, 1139
Be thou our guardian, thou our guide, 1134
Be thou still my strength and shield. 462
Be thus abused? Forbid it, Heaven! 937
Be thy groans and cries rehearsed 746
Be to disappointment brought, 964
Be to our incarnate God. 788
Be to their own will left, 353
Be to this world as dead, 102
Be too proud to be despised, 649
Be tormented night and day 616
Be with me in temptation’s fire 182
Be with me soon on this my throne. 387
Be with me where I am. 117
Be with thee delighted, and clasp thee and twine, 906
Be with these anxious thoughts oppressed 401
Be with you to unfold his grace, 631
Beam forth with mildest majesty, 1076
Beam from the glorious Lord. 953
Beaming in the Saviour’s face, 90
Beams of glory decked his mission, 776
Bear me, in thy bosom bear. 1071
Bear one tremendous name 878
Bear the joyful truth on high 982
Bearing all our misbehaviour, 746
Bearing all the wrathful anger 1118
Bears all its sons away 1139
Bears my name upon his breast 542
Bears tokens of a ransomed soul. 371
Beasts of prey, nor roaring lion, 349
Because, as masters over sloth, 222
Because freed from the law 601
Because he died for me, 191
Because he hopes a port to find, 1049
Because he sent his Son to die 34
Because he’s determined his grace shall be tried. 297
Because his sin has been forgiven 937
Because I could not cease from sin. 144
Because men think they all possess 222
Because my foes were then concealed. 1017
Because, of all opposers worst, 773
Because that nothing could control 191
Because the gate of life 308
Because the land affrights him more 1049
Because the Lord has promised me 31
Because they are so rich. 222
Because they think themselves so wise 222
Because those golden hours are gone. 1090
Because thy grace abounds 210
Because ’tis a gospel as full as ’tis free! 52
Because we yet are sick. 311
Because you thirst for God. 986
Because young David’s God is yours. 338
Become the favourites of the Lord. 123
Becomes a true believer 806
Becomes his meetness now for heaven. 908
Before all worlds, the glorious plan, 680
Before creation-work began. 405
Before for sin we rightly grieve. 89
Before God’s burning throne, 805
Before he finds a Saviour 814
Before he gave the mountains birth, 73
Before he made the worlds above, 10
Before he spread the starry sky. 211
Before he vanquished hell 709
Before him thy protection send 373
Before his Father’s face, 54
Before his Father’s face 121
Before his Father’s face. 67
Before his Father’s throne 51
Before his feet they prostrate fall 975
Before his sovereign will, 132
Before Jehovah built the skies, 530
Before Jehovah stood, 1145
Before men or angels, sing, Worthy’s the Lamb 521
Before my Redeemer I’ll spread my complaint 1104
Before my roving eyes, 335
Before my troubles rose 300
Before the dying hour. 469
Before the earth or seas were made, 572
Before the eternal All. 475
Before the glory of his face, 421
Before the golden throne. 121
Before the gospel day, 889
Before the hills in order stood, 1139
Before the Lord like incense rise. 943
Before the mournful scene began, 1121
Before the rising sun. 1139
Before the Saviour’s blood 774
Before the scoffers of the age 419
Before the sinner fell 411
Before the throne of grace. 382
Before the willing spirit takes 1155
Before the world began 409
Before the world began 823
Before the world’s foundation slain 96
Before the worlds were made 60
Before thee now may be 176
Before thee on their bended knees, 387
Before them in the way. 554
Before they were possessed by me, 1110
Before thy face I’ve told my case 378
Before thy gracious feet to bow, 938
Before thy pure discerning eye, 238
Before tomorrow fall from grace 87A
Before us in the way. 554
Before us in the way. 554
Before us in the way. 554
Before us in the way. 554
Before us in the way. 554
Before we feel the smart. 305
Before we reach the fields above, 286
Before we’ve journeyed far, 308
Beggars, approach my royal board, 818
Begging mercy every hour. 237
Begging, trusting, cleaving 306
Begin and end with thee. 1114
Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme, 14
Begins to discover his colour and make, 710
Begone, unbelief, my Saviour is near, 232
Begotten, not of blood, 598
Behind a frowning providence 320
Behind this Shield did stand. 547
Behold, a dying Saviour’s veins 212
Behold a never-failing store 1039
Behold a scene of matchless grace, 536
Behold, again we turn to thee 1041
Behold and love him too. 564
Behold, dear Lord, we come again, 677
Behold, from the desert of sin, 334
Behold, from what beginnings small 709
Behold, he lays his vengeance by 123
Behold him as your All in All. 571
Behold him as your great High Priest, 571
Behold him as your Head 571
Behold him as your King, 571
Behold him as your Shepherd dear, 571
Behold him now, the Father cries 572
Behold him present with his aid. 1141
Behold him rising from the dead! 72
Behold his patience lengthened out, 750
Behold his suffering Lord. 823
Behold, I fall before thy face 1004
Behold, I make thy cause my own 151
Behold in sorrow and disgrace, 797
Behold me prostrate at thy gate 393
Behold! my covenant stands for ever good, 497
Behold my heart and see 1066
Behold my soul at freedom set 122
Behold Peter boasting, but o’ercome at length 644
Behold that pale, that languid face, 797
Behold the awful Judge is come, 494
Behold the darling Son of God 712
Behold the glories of the Lamb, 19
Behold the gospel plan 852
Behold! the grace appears, 38
Behold, the Judge descends his guards are nigh 497
Behold the Lamb, the incarnate Word 431
Behold the pastures large and green 142
Behold the potter and the clay 75
Behold the rising billows roll, 164
Behold the Saviour’s righteousness, 909
Behold the sure foundation stone 141
Behold the throne of grace! 395
Behold, these walls we raise 367
Behold what wondrous grace 79
Behold! with awful pomp 847
Behold, with wondering eyes, 571
Behold your Saviour’s face 59
Beholds her Lord leave all below, 228
Beholds their grief, and feels their smart. 749
Being of the favoured number, 1063
Believe and enter in! 1061
Believe and plead his holy word 377
Believe, but not alone 240
Believe on me, and banish fear 352
Believe; receive the full release 487
Believe the gospel, and rejoice 837
Believer, here thy comfort stands 10
Believer, lift thy drooping head 836
Believer, thou shalt see 87
Believers are not called, we see, 782
Believers, hail your rising Head, 488
Believers in their darksome graves 845
Believers know its taste, 890
Believers own they are but blind 181
Believers, rejoice, for all things are yours 912
Believers then grow strong in faith, 888
Believing, Christ will send them down. 897
Believing, they rejoice in him, 165
Believing, true, and clean, 1024
Believing, we rejoice 125
Beloved of the Lord most high, 531
Beloved Saviour, ever be 173
Beloved Saviour, faithful Friend, 952
Beloved, we are come 663
Bend their bright sceptres down 476
Beneath his sheltering blood! 1093
Beneath his smiles my heart has lived, 85
Beneath my Father’s eye 1083
Beneath my Lord the Lamb. 4
Beneath my soul he placed, 94
Beneath the droppings of thy blood, 166
Beneath the heaviest load 261
Beneath the sacred throne of God 914
Beneath the shadow of thy cross 1052
Beneath thy fainting head 909
Bequeathed in everlasting love 113
Bereave thee of thy guilty fear, 899
Beset and plunge the soul in shame. 618
Beset by sore evils without and within, 129
Beset the soul by night and day. 618
Beset with snares on every hand, 331
Beside the gospel-pool 729
Beside the living stream. 139
Besmear the frighted ground! 148
Bestow this rich blessing on me, 380
Bestows his alms on Christ. 880
Bethesda’s pool is not like this, 985
Betrays, with blind and feeble rage, 878
Better than himself to be 1014
Better, wisdom can’t devise 920
Between my soul and sin. 997
Between the folded leaves. 4
Between the goats and chosen sheep 78
Between the powers of grace and sin, 762
Between the saints and sin 467
Betwixt a head diffusing blood 785
Betwixt a heart like melting wax 785
Betwixt an agonising God 785
Bewail thy want of sight 878
Bewildered on a legal coast, 899
Beyond all brightness bright, 854
Beyond, beyond the grave, 522
Beyond, beyond this lower sky, 481
Beyond the limits of his love 76
Beyond the reach of human thought. 985
Beyond the reach of sin and gloom, 553
Beyond thy utmost wants 395
Beyond what angels know, 1027
Beyond what his wisdom ordains, 334
Beyond whate’er they knew. 5
Bid all jars for ever cease. 248
Bid all my vile affections die, 1075
Bid corruptions, Lord, be still 1077
Bid every furnace purge my dross 300
Bid every string awake. 330
Bid heart and flesh cry out for thee, 901
Bid it bring forth precious fruit 865
Bid, Lord, thy banished ones rejoice 103
Bid me disbelieve no more. 280
Bid me embrace my dying Lord, 1067
Bid me seek thy smiling face 389
Bid my anxious fears subside 462
Bid my corruptions end. 1072
Bid my doubts and fears depart 280
Bid my will to thine submit 686
Bid rocks and mountains on them fall, 847
Bid stormy trouble cease, 1079
Bid the bitten look up to it 876
Bid the guilty him embrace. 514
Bid the refreshing north wind wake 455
Bid the tempestuous rage of sin, 1070
Bid the unruly throng depart, 381
Bid thy restless fears be gone 333
Bid us call to mind thy cross, 827
Bid us in thy care confide 706
Bid us now thy influence prove 1073
Bid us praise thee, 205
Bids his children watch and call 645
Bids his mourners weep no more. 741
Bids Mercy bring the news to me. 146
Bids our souls his glories taste, 662
Bids saints remember all his pains, 540
Bids sins of a crimson-like dye 233
Bids us now to Jesus flee 789
Bids you undismayed go on. 267
Billows of temptation roll 1111
Bind my wandering heart to thee. 199
Bind thy golden girdle round thee, 270
Binding his slaves in heavy chains 1006
Black with white, dark with light, 800
Blameless in love, a holy seed. 73
Blasphemies and murders 306
Blasphemously obscene 795
Blasted my gourds, and laid me low. 295
Blasted with cold, and black with gloom. 875
Blazing in the incarnate Word. 518
Blazing with majestic light, 518
Bleed through his wounded side. 438
Bleeding, grieving, crying, 780
Bleeding on the cross for me, 177
Blending their beauties, both proclaim 252
Bless, dear Lord, each labouring servant 864
Bless Him, my soul, from day to day, 171
Bless, O bless us, ere we go 1137
Bless our hearts with gospel peace, 970
Bless the dark world with heavenly light 1147
Bless the Lord, my soul, and raise 801
Bless the provisions of thy house, 366
Bless the work they undertake 864
Bless thee for Gethsemane. 802
Bless them, for thy church’s sake. 864
Bless thy church, and guard the throne. 1150
Bless us with a solemn frame 695
Bless us with a solemn frame, 697
Bless us with a solemn frame 563
Bless with true fellowship with thee, 655
Blest the ears that hear his voice 1055
Blessed are the eyes that see him 1055
Blessed are the poor in spirit, 918
Blessed are the sons of God, 80
Blessed are the souls that trust him, 1055
Blessed are the souls who tremble 1038
Blessed are they whose guilt is gone, 681
Blessed be the wisdom and the grace, 405
Blessed Comforter, appear 695
Blessed is the upper saint, 177
Blessed Jesus, 349
Blessed Jesus! fill each heart 720
Blessed Jesus, Lord of all, 640
Blessed Jesus! thee we sing 99
Blessed Spirit from above, 963
Blessed with a surer prophecy. 915
Blessed with the pardon of her sin, 924
Blessings more numerous than the stars, 84
Blessings, my friends, like these, 792
Blest angels leave their high abode, 20
Blest angels sound his lofty praise 476
Blest are the humble souls that see 1112
Blest are the men of broken heart, 1112
Blest are the men whose hearts are set 369
Blest are the saints who sit on high, 369
Blest are the souls that find a place 369
Blest are the souls that hear and know 58
Blest are the souls that thirst for grace, 1112
Blest assurance! 769
Blest be the Father and his love, 33
Blest be the Lamb, my dearest Lord, 100
Blest God! that once in fiery tongues 30
Blest inhabitants of Zion, 372
Blest is the man, O God, 330
Blest is the man who trusts in thee. 370
Blest Jesus! what delicious fare! 264
Blest mourners! they shall shortly rise 263
Blest river! great its virtues are 996
Blest soul that can say, Christ only I seek. 804
Blest Source of life divine! 962
Blest Spirit of Christ, descend on us thus 456
Blest Spirit of truth, eternal God, 28
Blest to everlasting. Amen, and amen. 449
Blest with this faith, then let us raise 88
Blind guides cry, Lo, here! and, Lo, there! 220
Blind, perverse, and filthy 780
Blind unbelief is sure to err, 320
Blind zeal, or false devotion 806
Blissful sound to rebel man. 1044
Blood and righteousness divine 391
Blood has a voice to pierce the skies 123
Blood, that answers every claim, 284
Blood-bought pardon, dying love. 490
Blow on the treasures of thy word, 1108
Blow on this garden of perfume 363
Blow ye the trumpet, blow 59
Blush, Christian, blush let shame abound 797
Blushes of blood the moon deface 847
Boast not, but meek and lowly be 810
Boast not, ye sons of earth, 307
Bold shall I stand in that great day, 103
Bold shall they appear in the presence of God. 408
Boldly before him stand 494
Bondage and labour quite forgets, 358
Borders on the shades of death, 1057
Bore all incarnate God could bear, 153
Bore sin’s tremendous load! 415
Born a babe, by birth mysterious, 776
Born a child and yet a king 1054
Born a Saviour, Christ the King. 776
Born by degrees, but chose at once 73
Born in the image of his Son, 190
Born of God, they hate all sin 80
Born that we no more may die! 36
Born thy children to deliver, 1054
Born to reign in us for ever, 1054
Born to set thy people free 1054
Borne aloft, to heaven be brought, 1062
Borne on angels’ wings to heaven, 461
Both heaven and earth shall pass away 352
Both now and evermore. 292
Both on thy heart and on thy hand 92
Both represent the unstable mind 296
Both to watch and seek his face. 645
Bought us with his own heart’s blood 154
Bought with the blood of Christ, 598
Bought with the treasures of his blood 92
Bound by everlasting bands 766
Bound by his word, he will display 332
Bound down with twice ten thousand ties, 1072
Bound hand and foot by sin. 1092
Boundless depths of love divine! 154
Bow down, sense and reason, faith only reign here. 40
Bow their bashful heads, and own 854
Bowed down beneath a load of sin 388
Bowed down with guilt, I can’t look up 838
Bowed down with horror to the ground, 712
Bowed down with weighty woe, 108
Bowed with fruitless sorrow down 1055
Bread and wine to feed our bodies 826
Bread of heaven, 462
Bread, thus broken, aptly shows 830
Break down this separating wall, 1098
Break, O break these hearts of stone, 823
Break off our legal chains, O God, 679
Break our chains, and set us free 776
Break the tempter’s fatal power, 1144
Break through these tottering walls of clay. 1081
Breaks forth in boundless grace. 596
Breaks through the clouds of flesh and sense, 226
Breathe comfort where distress abounds, 28
Breathe from the gentle south, O Lord, 1108
Breathe, O breathe, celestial Dove, 874
Breathe, O breathe thy blessed Spirit 1053
Breathe on these bones, so dry and dead 29
Breathe thy life, and spread thy light. 1073
Breathe thyself into my breast, 767
Breathe upon us from above, 970
Brethren, be not too secure), 237
Brethren, by this, your claim, abide 351
Brethren, in a state so sad, 306
Brethren, let us think of this 1063
Brethren, let us walk together 1014
Brethren should from conflict cease 1014
Brethren, this had never been 789
Brethren, those who come to bliss 717
Brethren, though we cannot see, 315
Brethren, we should learn the rather 1014
Brethren, why toil ye thus for toys, 814
Brethren, would you know your stay, 77
Bright, everlasting mansions stand, 217
Bright examples to our youth! 1144
Bright Morning Star, arise, 1027
Bright Morning Star, bids darkness flee. 427
Bright world of bliss, O could I see 1081
Brighter than the blaze of day, 545
Bring down a taste of truth divine, 264
Bring forth the fatted calf, 590
Bring forth the royal diadem, 730
Bring hither the best robe 590
Bring it with thy burial-seal. 702
Bring me back, and lead, and keep 1071
Bring me where I my heaven may find, 1016
Bring near, bring near, the joyful hour, 1019
Bring no money, price, or aught, 1044
Bring our inconstancy to view. 296
Bring pardon, peace, and healing too. 1127
Bring relief in deepest straits! 397
Bring the blessed gospel-rest. 702
Bring their sweetest, noblest lays 931
Bring them back into thy fold 768
Bring them, ye angels, from their distant lands. 497
Bring thy salvation near 883
Bring wandering sinners home 696
Bring’st forth thy bread and wine 823
Brings all the will and power forth. 674
Brings distant prospects home, 226
Brings every blessing from above. 394
Brings kind compassion in his eyes, 336
Brings no great glory to its root 256
Brisk and dull in half an hour, 301
Britain, all guilty as she is, 1145
Britons, then, shall still before thee 1150
Broken by the law’s loud thunder, 759
Broken hearts, and humble walkers, 719
Broken hearts in him are blessed 720
Broken hearts, or wounded spirits, 759
Broken hearts, repeat the same 720
Broken words, not half his worth. 177
Brooding mischief in a smile. 742
Brother to your souls becomes. 267
Brought down to that sad state for me 105
Brought his own covenant to his thoughts, 318
Brought Israel of old at a stand, 298
Brought near the doctrine of the cross, 57
Brought rebel sinners near to God 984
Brought safely by his hand thus far, 961
Brought the Saviour from the sky 594
Brought the Shepherd of the sheep, 1138
Brought us to abhor the crime 654
Bruised Bridegroom, take us wholly, 237A
Bruised the harmless Lamb of God 802
Buckle on thy heavenly armour 270
Buds and blossoms as the rose 932
Build on no man’s parts or merit, 864
Build up and bolster sandy hopes! 674
Built by the eternal hands 226
Built on his truth and armed with power. 1141
Burdened and groaning then no more, 469
Burdened, dejected, and oppressed, 386
Burdened with a load of sin 356
Burdened with sin, and fears oppressed, 941
Buried in baptism with our Lord, 718
Buried in shadows of the night, 1006
Buried in sorrow and in sin, 213
Buried with our Lord, and rising 433
Burning seraphs round thy throne, 854
Burning with vindictive fire. 789
Burst through the clouds, O Source of Light! 942
Bursting through the veil of night 776
But a bleeding Jesus. 315
But a drought has since succeeded, 1144
But a prayer-hearing, answering God 967
But a sense of blood-bought pardon 746
But a shadow or a worm. 301
But Abra’m’s lawful family. 522
But after all that’s said or done, 783
But, after all, the saint shall find 596
But ah! both heaven and earth have heard 1142
But ah! how barren still! 997
But ah! I feel no love at all, 676
But, ah! I’m worse within. 510
But ah! my heart’s a barren heath, 875
But ah! my inmost spirit cries, 259
But ah! my soul laboured in vain, 565
But ah! what is the house to me, 884
But, ah! what vain attempt is this, 78
But ah! when these short visits end, 251
But, alas! how slow we move 609
But, alas! how soon I stand 611
But all be life and peace 664
But all be love and blood. 156
But all gave a smile when he spoke 581
But all in Jesus’ name 32
But all my prayer he shutteth out. 749
But all my treasures with me bear. 331
But all such claims I now renounce 1042
But all the time the Lord they seek, 241
But all the wine leaks out. 178
But all their joys are one. 1005
But all this will not do 311
But all true Christians this may boast, 34
But answers of peace to thee shall send none 297
But are married to the Lord, 650
But, as oft as this you do, 662
But, as the objects of Christ’s love, 661
But as they his beauty see. 619
But as to man’s merit, ’tis hateful to me! 52
But as we from Jesus receive 670
But ask the Lord for his receipt, 101
But at God’s footstool humbly fall, 172
But at thy own sad folly blush, 335
But banished thence we fly to thee, 153
But be our conflicts short or long, 747
But behold the gospel plan 864
But believe your dying Lord, 237A
But better bread by far 446
But boast of a heart that from sickness is free. 548
But, brethren, Christ, and Christ alone, 240
But, brethren, rest not there 863
But by faith, and not by sight, 315
But by faith in Jesus’ blood. 157
But can I bear the piercing thought 938
But can there, tell me, can there be 447
But cannot afford nor comfort nor food, 520
But cannot enter in 1026
But cannot long refrain. 308A
But cannot turn them out 887
But cheerly work, and sing of grace. 49
But chose a pebble from the brook. 338
But Christ a faithful Son. 50
But Christ, by his own powerful blood, 121
But Christ has blessed the poor. 222
But Christ has cleared my misty sight, 300
But Christ has holiness enough 181
But Christ in every age has proved 351
But Christ, my ransom, died. 464
But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, 125
But Christ well knows, and Christ alone, 718
But Christ who saves from hell. 676
But Christ will bring thee safe on shore. 705
But Christ will do for me 613
But Christ will not allow 885
But Christ withdrawn, what watch we keep! 153
But cloud, and wind, and dew, and star, 296
But dearest Lord, lest these should faint, 773
But death’s cold hand must close my eyes, 838
But defend, defend us, Jesus, 746
But did the blind receive their sight 875
But dies when dreadful storms appear. 618
But dwell, dear Jesus, where thou art 468
But each shall say, For me. 330
But ever with him reign, 468
But everlasting is thy love, 83
But faith approves it well 337
But faith can answer thy demands, 112
But faithful thou art, O Fountain of Love. 343
But fall on their faces, and worship the Lamb. 150
But far more welcome to the soul 1093
But fear, alas! ’tis not for me. 910
But feels the plague of sin 678
But feels within foul envy lurk, 313
But fellowship with him 884
But few among the carnal wise, 74
But few of noble race, 74
But filthier still I grew 189
But find, alas! when night comes on, 308
But find no comfort there. 281
But firm and steadfast stands his word 858
But firm as his decree) 917
But firmly eye the Saviour 235
But first instructs them how to choose, 692
But fix on thee my choice. 690
But fly to what the Lord has done, 1103
But for a living soul to stand, 783
But for free and sovereign grace, 1031
But for the soul himself prepares 828
But for this truth (O sound it wide!), 206
But found a smarting debt. 148
But found no refuge in that name 923
But freely will heal them by night or by day. 548
But fresh folds build up everywhere, 374
But from bondage set us free 610
But from Gilead’s sovereign balm. 916
But from his dear covenant love. 758
But gather first my saints, the Judge commands 497
But God himself declares 181
But God must work the will, 674
But God, who called me here below, 198
But godliness, in all its life, 169
But gospel acts a kinder part, 49
But gospel sings of Jesus’ blood, 49
But grace a spring of hope supplies 1043
But grace and truth by Christ are given 809
But grace has set me free. 1100
But grace sweetly speaks unto me, 595
But grace, though the smallest, shall surely be tried. 297
But, gracious Lord, who once didst feel 774
But greater is thy mercy’s store! 391
But greater, Lord, thou art, 339
But greater the pangs of his mind. 159
But greatest gratitude should flow 834
But hates the God of truth and grace. 621
But have full salvation found. 956
But he chose our hopeless case, 1040
But he conquered, 560
But he conquered when he fell, 657
But he descends and shows his face 22
But he knows nothing of it yet, 785
But he that feels pollution most, 1089
But he that feels the heaviest load 218
But he that into Christ believes, 234
But he upholds us with his arm, 509
But he vouchsafes to be my guide, 960
But he who raised himself indeed, 904
But he who saved them by his blood, 992
But he whose sins are washed away, 217
But he will never take away 344
But he’s pure and holy too 789
But hear it still in vain 196
But heavy bars confine their power 424
But hell and sin are vanquished foes 1007
But here, my friends, the danger lies 774
But here’s our point of rest 312
But his beloved bride 666
But his sin-atoning blood 720
But his whose name is Truth and Grace. 883
But how little understood! 802
But how little’s understood! 154
But humbly own the cost 371
But I am jealous of my heart, 92
But I can only spread my sail 1018
But I can read each moving line, 316
But I feel myself so hard. 780
But I from month to month complain 875
But I have trusted in thy grace, 401
But I lisp and falter forth 177
But I now with wonder tell, 584
But I would be holy. 780
But I’ll retire beneath the cross 47
But I’m cold, I’m dark, I’m dead. 780
But I’m in prison yet. 151
But if guilt removed return and remain, 155
But if he deign to whisper peace, 812
But if he has taught us, our ends should be these 456
But if I lisp a song of praise, 204
But if Immanuel’s face appear, 1095
But, if still a total stranger 698
But if the Lord be once withdrawn, 326
But if they only make you stray, 807
But if we food and raiment have, 807
But importune thee so 808
But in dear Gethsemane. 802
But, in every chastening, prove 623
But, in himself, can find no rest. 1026
But in his heart no faith is found. 744
But in his looks a glory stands, 18
But in his pleasure rest 70
But in Jesus’ balmy blood 759
But in strains of much compassion, 258
But in the gospel Christ appears 48
But in the grace that rescued man, 752
But in the Lamb, for sinners slain, 1036
But in the Lord alone. 572
But in the Lord alone. 74
But in thee a solid peace. 965
But in this great Sacrifice 916
But into bondage fall, 253
But is by faith put on. 805
But is by sin undone, 1026
But it has been in such a way 295
But it overwhelms them all. 1055
But Jesus answered, Set them free, 837
But Jesus’ blood has full atonement made, 669
But Jesus’ blood its rage can quell, 604
But Jesus cries, Return, return, 894
But Jesus crucified! 169
But Jesus guides us through the vale 245
But Jesus has his promise passed 728
But Jesus is the Head. 437
But Jesus is the same. 149
But Jesus makes us then his care 245
But Jesus’ precious blood 671
But Jesus seems to mind thee not! 899
But Jesus spent his life to work 109
But Jesus, stronger far than he, 1020
But Jesus the blessed can yield them good cheer. 520
But Jesus, thy dear gasping breath 47
But Jesus will relieve the poor. 182
But Jesus’ love they highly prize 978
But Justice cried, with frowning face, 134
But keep me, Lord, from party zeal, 974
But keep my conscience clear. 1003
But know not which way to move 722
But lambs are preserved, though helpless in kind 804
But leaves him in distress 585
But lest I faint, or turn away, 1108
But let not all this terrify 305
But let our debts be what they may, 218
But let righteousness imputed 270
But let the stoutest sinner feel 691
But let the thought our spirits cheer, 1048
But let us haste from all below. 1048
But life attends each deathful sound, 1123
But like a child at home. 139
But lo! he leaves those heavenly forms 20
But lo! the Second Adam came, 89
But looks for all in Christ. 225
But, Lord, let not my soul be lost 169
But loud hosannas round the throne, 87A
But love shall still remain, 792
But love thee, and bless thee, and rest in his love. 912
But love to sinners fills his heart, 1012
But loves him to the end. 351
But lower now than angels made. 153
But lumpish is and dry. 905
But makes a more delightful stay 360
But makes it not secure. 236
But man, vile man, forsook his bliss, 317
But many a lion is in the way found. 906
But mark, the way is holy ground, 253
But may be found in thee 247
But may I hope that thou wilt own 1100
But may its powers be felt and seen 621
But me he found, and always held, 775
But meet reproach and bear the shame. 419
But mercy is thy choice 126
But mercy much entreat 892
But mercy now triumphant reigns. 488
But mix their own works with his plan 1149
But more shall grow again. 779
But mourn the plague within. 1089
But mourn their defilement within. 298
But much I fear, lest in some hour 1043
But much more is signified 826
But must return again. 953
But my complaints remain 729
But my enemies make head. 780
But my mercies I’ll renew 273
But my petition hear. 393
But my safety is in thee. 347
But my sins return anew 780
But neither shall us quite control 787
But never, never, Lord, from thee. 1105
But new trials soon surround us, 1096
But night and stars, and moon and sun, 88
But no man ever did so yet, 809
But none of the ransomed shall ever be lost 350
But not the living child. 236
But now he feels his woes 590
But now her beauty is defaced 1140
But now I find an aching void 958
But now I learn to blush for shame, 300
But now my God’s a martyred Man. 153A
But now, my soul, behold 494
But now those golden hours are fled, 910
But now whose hearts are sore distressed, 1090
But O, amazed, I see the hand 200
But, O be astonished! they’re helpless and poor. 549
But O for this no power have I! 991
But O good news of grace! 590
But O! he gives to every child 831
But O his love what tongue can tell 410
But O, if Christ and heaven be mine, 1085
But O, indulge this only wish, 1086
But, O my Lord, one look from thee 323
But, O my soul! admire 559
But O, my soul, if truths so bright 75
But O, my soul trembled, and felt 565
But, O! one thing I plead 163
But O remember him 663
But O remember Me! 818
But O, the blest day, and soon twill arise, 322
But O what backwardness to pray! 728
But O what gentle terms 122
But O what joy this witness gives, 173
But O! when gloomy clouds arise, 962
But O! when gloomy doubts prevail, 136
But of his own abounding grace, 211
But of immortal seed 598
But of life, the healing tree 802
But oft, alas! I’ve need to say, 1124
But oft my mind is called away. 1124
But often find another mind, 281
But often tend to aggravate my grief 701
But oh! my soul wants more than sign! 447
But oh, what human eye can trace, 1151
But on him wait, till he give rest. 899
But on him wait till he rise up. 899
But on his sovereign mind. 530
But one sweet smile from thee 947
But only he could drink it up. 718
But only say They’re past. 498
But our Jesus died to have us 133
But own my heart, with shame and grief, 447
But owns all doctrines must be true 228
But part with all, and follow him. 771
But peace, and truth, and love 50
But penetrates his ears 509
But perfect truth and righteousness 1148
But plead the blood that did for sin atone. 668
But plead the blood that once for sin was spilt. 668
But pleads the blood that did for sin atone. 668
But pray with faith in Jesus’ name. 882
But produce a grateful mind, 594
But quickened sinners want to pray 725
But raise it to a flame 120
But rather be boldly withstood, 220
But readily will say, 678
But retrospect of former days 1046
But richer far, for more it cost. 718
But richer pastures I prepare, 345
But rocks and mountains fly. 847
But save me for thy mercies’ sake. 384
But scatters all his corn 178
But see how heaven’s indulgent care 76
But see what different thoughts arise 39
But seek enduring happiness 1110
But, seldom to my purpose true, 1124
But, self-condemned before thy throne, 217
But send more showers of heavenly love, 216
But sent the world his truth and grace, 420
But shall I from thy throne retreat, 997
But shall with joy behold their Head, 67
But sharper scourges tear his heart! 797
But she can charm by day or night. 620
But should not cost the saint a tear, 1048
But should repentance, or should faith, 240
But shrink from sin with holy dread. 937
But sin hangs heavy on my soul. 480
But sin will still remain 311
But sin, with shameless face, 617
But since I’ve known the life and power 949
But since in love I took thee in, 1032
But since my Saviour stands between, 119
But, since sin first fixed thee there, 802
But since the precept came 46
But sinners, and their wicked ways, 15
But skilful’s the Pilot who sits at the helm 993
But smile my darkness into day. 941
But some faint shadows of my Lord 142
But something greater lies there yet. 791
But something yet can do the deed, 316
But soon he was forced into Adullam’s cave, 549
But soon revives, and springs again, 845
But soon there’s something intervenes 507
But soon they every one must cease, 792
But soon thy works of power forgot, 318
But sooner all nature shall change, 276
But soul and all’s at stake. 798
But souls enlightened from above 165
But sovereign grace was underneath, 87A
But speak, my Lord, and calm my fear 166
But spotless, innocent, and pure, 120
But stay, my soul, to hope give place 727
But steals himself away 889
But still, as oft as troubles come, 286
But still his grace is sure 806A
But still in Zion loves to dwell. 360
But still maintain their prime 2
But still the lustre of thy grace 5
But still the path brighter did shine 544
But strength in thee I fain would have, 1059
But strife and difference will subsist 816
But strong consolation his grace does afford. 998
But such are not of God. 114
But such as seem to run the race, 302
But such who in Jesus believe, 544
But sudden clouds obstruct his view, 1049
But surely I ne’er shall forget 581
But surely will heal them, and perfectly too. 548
But surely will take out thy stain. 627
But sweet will be the flower. 320
But sweeter news the gospel brings 49
But swell my sails, and speed my way. 1018
But teach me to resign. 261
But, thanks to God, its loud alarms 44
But, that delayed, to doubting fall, 773
But that himself the work begun 206
But that man truly knows the Son 855
But that of Jesus, can suffice 949
But that which comes from God. 1013
But that wrought out by Christ the Son, 113
But the awful stroke that found him, 1116
But the bliss of it is 484
But the blood of Jesus. 827
But the bond-woman’s son 522
But the bright world to which I go, 473
But the bright world, to which they go, 979
But the Christian from the tomb 843
But the dear stream, when Christ was slain, 123
But the God of love, the Saviour, 1118
But the God of my salvation 583
But the horrors which he felt, 802
But the Lord, by grace divine, 654
But the Prince of Peace could sit, 802
But the proof of proofs indeed 789
But the remedy’s without thee 876
But the rich food on which we live 363
But the rich savoury meat 817
But the Saviour’s power to know, 282
But the sorest trial yet, 802
But the soul that is whole 799
But the true gold sustains no loss 142
But the true-born child of God 282
But there eternal pleasure reigns, 337
But there’s a people taught by grace 975
But there’s a voice of sovereign grace 764
But they are not my God. 186
But they cannot tell it all 1055
But they cause us grief at present, 1144
But they know the Throne of Grace 397
But they that in the Lord confide, 352
But thine conduct to heaven. 1148
But think on nobler things. 829
But this he will teach us in time, 670
But this hour is too, too sad! 802
But this righteousness of Jesus 920
But this unfeeling heart of mine. 316
But this we can tell, that he loved us so well, 161
But this we know, ’twas done for us. 88
But this we sought in vain. 637
But thorns, and knotted whips, and bands 153A
But thou art greater than my heart. 1016
But thou canst every breach repair, 1155
But thou canst give me faith. 1067
But thou dost all things well 732
But thou, O Christ, my wisdom art 1016
But thou, O Lord, art still the same, 1076
But though a seed of heavenly birth, 1013
But though his methods are unknown, 6
But though I feel as cold as clay, 550
But though I have him oft forgot, 9
But though my wants are very great, 589
But though ten thousand foes engage, 509
But though the host of hell 287
But, though the world may think it strange, 992
But, though they own the Saviour’s name, 353
But though thus surrounded, yet, when I come there, 321
But through the merits of his blood. 748
But, through thy free goodness, my spirits revive, 11
But thus the eternal counsel ran 134
But thy commands, exceeding broad, 1148
But thy illustrious sacrifice 946
But thy love, without beginning, 69
But thy one offering takes away 121
But thy salvation’s sure 214
But thy word shall firm abide 796
But till the Holy Ghost applies 638
But till the Lord the Saviour smiles, 638
But times of refreshing return, 334
But ’tis a blessing few can boast, 855
But ’tis my heavenly Father’s will, 613
But ’tis the King who reigns above, 1013
But ’tis through scenes of floods and fire. 618
But to abide in thy embrace 475
But to have all our sins forgiven 790
But to him who comfort gives 1068
But to him who ever lives 1068
But to sing the Rest remaining, 1055
But to the loving Saviour’s breast 1016
But to the Rock of Ages led. 926
But to those who have confessed, 496
But to thy arms, for peace and rest 386
But to thy care the rest resign 692
But to thyself, who bidst us come 176
But to Zion’s throne of grace, 973
But toiled without success. 188
But tread, whilst we taste of the bliss, 159
But tremble at his word. 878
But triumph all the while. 1029
But trust him for his grace 320
But turns his eye another way, 32
But ’twas because he loved my soul, 191
But unbelief, self-will, 338
But union can be none 785
But vain and sinful thoughts intrude, 1124
But venture to be nought. 708
But vile infernals can’t prevail 245
But vile outrageous thieves broke in, 903
But wait and look, and look again. 1056
But wake and feel my hunger still. 884
But walk, depending on my Lord, 812
But we arise by grace divine, 213
But we build upon a base 795
But we command respect. 805
But we first after Jesus reach, 181
But we have no such lengths to go, 366
But we have pierced him through and through. 153A
But we know, the saints have reason 1063
But we that wait upon the Lord 327
But we think whose blood was spilt 154
But we’re defiled in every part. 1004
But weep and kiss the rod. 335
But what are seas, or skies, or hills, 88
But what are vile and base 526
But what by Christ is given 816
But what call we small things – sin’s whole cancelled sum 778
But what can poor lost sinners say, 680
But what great ends can men pursue 791
But what his grace decreed to give 66
But what I have in Christ, my Head, 604
But what says our Shepherd divine 220
But what they could not tell. 446
But what we all shall be above 681
But what were ever in thy view, 646
But what will approve the Bread well. 566
But, when all the means we try 396
But when, by faith, the cross we view, 564
But when dangers closer threaten, 270
But when days of darkness come, 1037
But when faith views the Lamb, 713
But when, great God, thy light divine 238
But when home our souls are brought, 133
But when I cry, My strength renew, 281
But when I felt the tempter’s power 1017
But when I meet some little cross, 507
But when, like a sheep that strays from the fold, 912
But when my faith is sharply tried, 323
But when my Father smiles again, 507
But when our eyes behold his face, 476
But when our eyes behold thy word, 1147
But when such suggestions our spirits have plied, 324
But when the King himself was here, 1013
But when the Lord his arm made bare, 189
But when the Lord shows his satisfied face 710
But when the Lord withdraws 682
But when the Lord’s people have need, 276
But when the Spirit of truth is come, 744
But when their sin’s forgiven, 747
But when this lisping, stammering tongue 160
But when, through weariness, they failed, 394
But when thy Spirit shines within, 711
But when to me that blood’s applied, 31
But when we reach the plains above, 724
But when we see our Saviour there, 79
But when we view thy strange design 207
But when with clothes we’re decked, 805
But where the Lord has planted grace, 933
But where thou art, Lord, I would be 385
But while I stood trembling with fear, 565
But while I walk the mournful road 275
But while their voice is heard within, 381
But whither can I go to lodge 676
But who can give us faith 798
But who can give us hope 798
But who can give us love 798
But who his weakness knows 709
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name. 1106
But why should I give way to grief 1046
But will save from hell and sin 333
But wilt thou pity us the less 731
But wisdom in the Lord they find, 181
But wishes to be often there 394
But with a loathing heart 671
But with authority he asks, 117
But with Christ the church shall have. 558
But with humble faith to see 282
But with humble joy to draw 973
But with the noblest powers they have, 192
But with their dying Head 466
But words engender strife 852
But work with care and skill 674
But would on this depend 222
But would receive by faith. 822
But would receive with hope. 822
But would receive with love. 822
But yet the love of Christ is such, 806A
But yet we daily see 747
But yet we shall behold the day, 1021
But you’ll find your foes too strong 594
But Zion cries to God on high, 1027
But Zion feels it so. 1027
But’s found in God’s decrees 63
Buts, ifs, and hows are hurled 312
By a way marked out with blood, 973
By a world of sin and vice 615
By all on earth, and all in heaven. 868
By almighty love anointed, 931
By ancient prophets sung 975
By awful temptations attacked and distressed, 644
By casting his name in the scale. 1149
By Christ he finds his sins forgiven, 234
By Christ our Jehovah, the ancient I AM 243
By Christ we enter into rest, 809
By covenant transaction and blood, 183
By crosses and losses, at last 334
By crosses I’ll scourge them for sin, 183
By day and by night his love is made known 1000
By days and years of sin 189
By eternal destination, 69
By eternal union one. 766
By faith, and not by sight. 812
By faith I see the land 294
By faith, I wield my Shield about, 547
By faith in Christ, as God, 605
By faith in Christ he lives. 636
By faith in Christ I walk with God, 960
By faith in him we live, and view 602
By faith in Jesus’ blood, 605
By faith in Jesus’ blood 31
By faith in Jesus’ blood. 216
By faith in Jesus’ name 614
By faith in me the soul receives 193
By faith lift up your eyes 599
By faith may we receive! 660
By faith obeyed the Lord. 226
By faith on him roll, and lean on his breast 639
By faith received, his flesh and blood 828
By faith she leans upon his breast, 638
By faith she shall hold on her way 334
By faith she’s enabled to view 334
By faith, the bread and wine 437
By faith, the just shall live and own 605
By faith, the just shall say, ‘Tis well, 605
By faith they journey through. 425
By faith they wrestle day and night, 16
By faith upon him live 642
By faith upon this glorious prize! 387
By faith we know the worlds were made 226
By faith we see the glory 131
By far excels all things beside 771
By favour adopted, thy sons we appear, 243
By giving credence to his word, 234
By God deserted too! 785
By God himself are cursed. 45
By God, our good Father, who gave us his Son, 449
By God’s almighty word 226
By grace alone I persevere. 204
By grace thus far we’re come 202
By heaven and earth adored, 1128
By Him my feeble soul’s sustained 171
By him some word of life impart, 1103
By him supported all things stand 20
By him who dwells within. 1020
By him with proper food 831
By his almighty grace. 596
By his almighty hand. 966
By his almighty hands. 124
By his almighty power 292
By his beloved Son. 420
By his Godhead, blood, and pain 759
By his looks, prepare to flee! 496
By his own atoning blood, 542
By his own power were all things made 20
By his own sovereign will. 71
By his scars his toils are viewed, 490
By his Spirit sent from heaven 180
By his sufferings, death, and merits 759
By his sweet resistless grace 187
By holy love’s resistless chain, 1052
By imputation, mine. 222
By its quickening operation, 1133
By Jesus’ blood, the righteous God 806
By Jesus from Moses are freed. 523
By legions of devils and mountains of sin. 129
By little and by little, he 782
By mediums drawn from nature’s laws. 791
By methods of our own 946
By nature, bears, and bulls, and swine, 805
By nature can no man be just, 544
By nature, none of Adam’s race 538
By nature prone to ill, 278
By no means can agree 617
By others, for their virtue fair, 803A
By our Saviour 1137
By pleading what my Lord has done. 112
By pleading with our God. 124
By power from heaven above 750
By prayer let me wrestle, and he will perform 232
By pure and living faith, 779
By ravens was constantly fed. 276
By reason of his groans 618
By Satan and indwelling sin, 384
By Satan sorely pressed 388
By sin and sorrow pressed 28
By sin and sorrow sunk as low 105
By sin I am oppressed, 214
By sinners and by saints withstood 223
By some endearing word. 823
By some unwary step. 335
By springs of fear and love. 308A
By such poor trifling toys 507
By sweet alluring call 690
By taking mutual share. 375
By the beams of love divine 1117
By the broken law convicted, 1055
By the great sacred Three 109
By the mouth of God most high. 895
By the Redeemer’s grace, 337
By the shining of thy Spirit, 1057
By the Spirit in our ears, 746
By the way and to the end. 277
By thee the joyful news 122
By thee we shall break through them all, 131
By them the heart is viewed 851
By them we feel how low we’re lost, 782
By these our Redeemer us tries, 220
By these signs A Babe you’ll see, 776
By things like these men often run 855
By this are restored the senses that droop 254
By this are sinners snatched from hell, 95
By thousand dangers scared, 783
By thousand dangers scared, 313
By thousands through the skies! 207
By thy all-sufficient merit, 1054
By thy all-sufficient merit 1057
By thy counsel thou wilt guide us, 965
By thy loving counsel guide us, 965
By thy own eternal Spirit, 1054
By thy power alone we stand. 349
By thy power and love perform. 769
By thy precious love constrained, 656
By thy reconciling love, 248
By thy resistless grace 1143
By thy word we fain would steer, 706
By trusting in his faithful word, 383
By union with our living Lord, 437
By upright walk, and lowly heart 955
By us were furnished to their hands. 153A
By virtue of his blood, 811
By wars without, and fears within, 388
By what amazing ways 863
By which I will be known. 110
By which I’m reconciled to God 78
By which our souls are fed. 86
By which the truth’s reviled 236
By whom shall Jacob now arise 1047
By whom shall Jacob now arise 1047
By whom shall Jacob now arise 1047
By whom their prayers succeed, 808
By whom was David taught 338
By works of righteousness 585
By works, salvation to obtain 1090
By works their hands have wrought 1148