Waft me from all below 294
Wages due to sin is death. 895
Wait but his appointed hour, 396
Wait for him alway be constant though weak 804
Wait for our approaching end. 463
Wait on the Lord, take courage still 1036
Wait the appointed hour 330
Wait, then, my soul, submissive wait, 6
Wait till the Bridegroom of your souls 330
Wait till thy disease he cleanse, 306
Wait to see thy grace abound. 990
Waiting for our Lord’s returning, 1063
Waiting to feel thy touch 731
Wake, fortitude and joy 434
Walk in this blest way of love. 543
Walk on in Jesus’ might 253
Walk worthy of your God, 608
Walk worthy of your Lord, and view 608
Walking only in thy might. 686
Walks in rich garments, dipped in blood, 850
Wandering from the fold of God 199
Wandering in forbidden ways, 1119
Want we wisdom? He must give it 180
War in weakness, dare in doubt. 270
Warm our cold hearts with heavenly heat, 29
Was answered, Daughter, go in peace 731
Was blessed in Jesus there. 921
Was blind, but now I see. 198
Was by the God of Isaac brought. 817
Was chosen, loved, and blessed in him 407
Was closed, that we might live 390
Was crucified on yonder tree, 1042
Was enmity with thee 732
Was ever grace, Lord, rich as thine 856
Was ever love like this 418
Was found in fashion as a man, 1050
Was free to take away 914
Was fully come, the Holy Ghost 715
Was gathered day by day 1126
Was his eternal will 550
Was his petition crowned! 1145
Was immersed beneath the stream. 428
Was immersed in Jordan’s flood, 649
Was it for crimes that I had done 763
Was it for sin, for mortal guilt, 1087
Was more than I could do 188
Was on my dying Saviour laid. 873
Was on their altar spilt 121
Was ordered to embark, 685
Was roasted in the flame 861
Was settled by the eternal Three, 680
Was the stroke that justice gave. 1116
Was there ever grief like his 1116
Was thy eternal law! 46
Was to be sustained in thee, 802
Was very quickly found 817
Wash all our works in Jesus’ blood 457
Wash me, and I am white as snow. 1076
Wash me in his precious blood. 767
Wash me, Saviour, or I die. 143
Wash our souls and songs with blood, 416
Wash thou the soul from sin. 862
Wash till we every whit are clean 787
Washed all my sins away. 160
Washed and made me white as snow 542
Washed by Kedron’s waters foul, 802
Washed in the Redeemer’s blood 698
Washed in the Redeemer’s blood! 372
Washed their robes, and made them white 717
Watch me hourly, night and day 1101
Watch, watch, and be sober, ye children of God 644
Watch ye against sleeping, and stand to your post, 644
Watched by the world with jealous eye, 955
Watchest them with tender care. 768
Watchfulness, perhaps, and prayer, 795
Water all my couch with tears, 895
Water, by that well supplied 973
Water can cleanse the flesh, we own 718
Water from salvation’s wells, 1044
Water from this fountain drew 1044
Water no man denies 863
Water so pure, or half so good, 1091
Water the body laves 863
Water to quench the fiery law, 29
Watered Eden’s garden well. 1044
Waves obey him, 1102
We adore the Lord the Lamb, 654
We adore thy matchless grace 651
We, alas! forget too often 133
We all begin to die. 498
We all deserve eternal death, 816
We all have sinned against our God 218
We also praise 517
We always need his hand, his might, 790
We are a garden walled around, 363
We are buried with our King, 649
We are but several parts 437
We are children of the light. 1063
We are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s. 864
We are come to own thy name 656
We are feeble, fickle, light, 795
We are not empty sent away. 1129
We are not far from home 330
We are poor, and weak, and silly, 719
We are safe beneath thy wing. 1150
We are thine, for ever thine. 697
We are thine, redeemed with blood, 649
We are to each other joined. 609
We are weak, and poor, and feeble, 349
We are wholly, doubly thine 656
We, as such, to thee draw near 610
We ask a blessing on thy word 1131
We ask – but all our askings meet 1131
We ask for faith a sweet increase, 1131
We ask from our great living Head 1131
We ask thy gracious presence here, 1131
We ask thy Holy Spirit’s aid, 1131
We ask to feel a union sweet, 1131
We at thy courts appear 648
We before thy footstool bow 1150
We behold, and we adore. 657
We believe, and we are blest. 534
We bless the Father’s name, 517
We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice, 125
We bless the Prophet of the Lord, 124
We bless the triune God 517
We bless thee for thy peace 382
We bless thee for thy word and laws 382
We blush, and melt, and faint away, 756
We boldly venture through. 308A
We both are united in one 578
We bow as sinners at thy feet, 952
We bring to God the Son, 409
We bruised his body, spilt his blood, 445
We built thy cross on Calvary, 716
We, by nature, are disgraceful 535
We can do nothing good. 774
We can hope no healing hand, 802
We can never trust too much. 789
We cannot act before we live, 809
We cannot miscarry our aid is divine. 343
We cannot well despair, 642
We catch some dangerous fall 308
We choose to stand quite still. 308
We claim no merit of our own, 217
We come, dear Saviour, to receive 822
We come, dear Saviour, to receive 822
We come, dear Saviour, to receive 822
We come just as we are 677
We come thy name to own, 652
We come to buy and live 818
We come to see thy face, 642
We come to seek for living bread, 643
We commit our brother’s dust 463
We conquer and adore. 564
We count his treasures worthless toys, 1125
We despised the Saviour’s blood. 654
We determine nought to know, 315
We draw from Jesus’ blood. 796
We each, as dying Stephen, 131
We eat his flesh and drink his blood, 181
We eat the bread and drink the wine, 829
We eat the flesh of Christ, 446
We esteem the ways of God, 654
We every moment come. 330
We faintly trust thy word 731
We fear the last, we bless the first, 833
We fear, we faint, we grieve, we doubt, 305
We feel our health and peace 1129
We feel our leanness and our wants 677
We find how great our weakness is. 326
We find in Jesus’ name 383
We find ourselves, by feeling, 235
We follow at thy call 337
We for the blessing pray. 713
We for thee would do the same. 656
We for whom thou once wast slain, 857
We, for whom thou once wast slain, 827
We give thee, sacred Spirit, praise, 33
We give thee thanks, we sing thy praise, 844
We give to earth the breathless frame, 844
We gladly trace the power 618
We glory in thy name, 313
We groan the lingering hours away, 1081
We guess the lurking motive well, 115
We had not known and loved the Son, 206
We hardly move at all. 308
We haste to Zion’s hill, 362
We haste with songs of joy 995
We have dearly tried thee 827
We have no full discharge. 218
We have no life, no power, no faith, 816
We have nothing of our own 798
We have reason to rejoice. 788
We have thy promise, gracious Lord, 1131
We hear the rumbling wheels, and pray, 137
We his footsteps wish to tread 654
We his power defy by faith. 463
We honour our exalted King 124
We hope to die shouting, The Lord will provide. 324
We humbly fall at Jesus’ feet. 888
We humbly for thy coming wait, 952
We in our Conqueror well may boast 785
We in thy name believe. 660
We in wonder fall before thee 656
We joyfully adore thee 131
We joyfully appear, 499
We know thou art too wise to err, 646
We laud thy name, almighty Lord, 870
We laud thy name, blest Spirit of truth, 870
We laud thy name, incarnate Word, 870
We lay you all aside, 353
We lie till Christ restores the light 1006
We lift our hands, exulting 131
We lift our hearts and voices, 131
We lift up our eyes to his shining abode 414
We lodged him with the beasts! 39
We long to leave our clay 476
We long to view thy lovely face, 655
We long, we faint, we pant for thee 642
We look, and all is light 308A
We look to Christ and view 181
We loud for mercy cried 637
We love thee and adore. 29
We love thy holy name 854
We love thy holy name 854
We love thy holy name 854
We love thy holy name 854
We love thy holy name. 854
We love to hear of thee 118
We love to lean upon thy breast, 637
We make these ways our favoured choice, 430
We may know no reason 315
We may let idols in, 887
We may, my friends, indeed. 30
We may unkindly quench the same, 30
We may well bless that decree 802
We meet around the board 436
We meet at thy command, dear Lord 453
We miss them day by day 1155
We more should prize his grace. 803
We must die to speak of Christ. 177
We must not learn God’s truth 618
We must possess all real good, 531
We neither can hope nor believe, 670
We now are passing through! 337
We now begin the year, 700
We now believe, but soon shall view, 88
We now descend into the flood; 655
We now desire to bless thy name, 459
We obtain through Jesus’ blood 534
We oft by experience have felt 460
We on earth can wish no more. 1073
We on the rich provision feed, 435
We only are to God resigned, 682
We own and bless thy gracious sway 1152
We own, because we feel. 715
We own the Lamb, our Leader wise, 648
We own thy just uplifted hand, 1142
We pass, O Lord, from year to year 1115
We poor sinners, gracious THREE, 802
We pray, as in Elisha’s case, 1155
We pray to be completely blessed 30
We pray to be renewed within, 30
We pray to be resigned 646
We pray to have our faith increased, 30
We pray, we cry, but cannot find 308
We quite mistook the way. 308
We ran the score to lengths extreme, 445
We reach his holy place, 353
We read the grace, we trust the word, 57
We read thy name in fairer lines. 1147
We read thy patience still. 207
We rejoice with joy divine 826
We rest our souls on Jesus’ word, 353
We reverence our High Priest above, 124
We rise and triumphantly fight. 12
We rise to die no more. 845
We rise to life divine 863
We rise with him, to life restored 718
We scarce can say, They’re gone! 1155
We seek a city out of sight, 1048
We seek a city yet to come. 1048
We seek no other blood or name, 113
We seek our new, our better home, 995
We shall all the fulness prove 90
We shall also reign with him 830
We shall be conquerors all ere long, 305
We shall be like our Head. 79
We shall be saved and sigh no more. 1140
We shall be saved and sigh no more. 1140
We shall be well at last. 311
We shall gain the port at last 1102
We shall meet no more below 1144
We shall mount to dwell on high. 769
We shall not sink in fear 1143
We shall obtain delivering grace, 120
We shall pass the watery waste 1102
We shall share his resurrection, 491
We shall triumph 496
We shall with the Lamb appear! 769
We should suspect some danger nigh, 1064
We show thy death, we sing thy name, 1121
We sin forsake, to sin return 296
We sing the praise of him who died, 919
We sing thy praise, exalted Lamb, 856
We sink under Satan and sin, 670
We sinned, and Jesus died 445
We soar to heaven, then sink to hell. 296
We soon shall feel his bands unbound, 492
We soon shall hear the Archangel’s voice 127
We soon shall join the throng 995
We soon shall see the King of grace, 467
We sorely feel the fall 181
We stand for ever justified, 344
We still on thee alone depend 1130
We still retain the root 806A
We straightway cry, Unclean! 614
We take the bread and wine, 822
We thankfully sing thy glory and praise, 404
We the ancient path pursue 433
We the young children of his love, 437
We their sorrows would assuage, 258
We then move cheerful on 308A
We through grace are dead indeed, 650
We, through our victorious Head 787
We thy people now draw near, 1135
We thy ransomed sinner-train, 857
We to this place are come to show 431
We to thy dear saints shall show. 258
We toiled and toiled again 637
We too, amid the sacred throng, 730
We travel through a barren land, 245
We tremble and rejoice. 361
We tremble and rejoice. 833
We trust upon the sacred word 245
We venture to the gospel feast 1120
We view our vileness, and must own 891
We view the year already past, 700
We view thee as our own 757
We vow, and straight our vows forget, 296
We walk through deserts dark as night 231
We want sweet foretastes of thy love, 679
We want to feel, we want to see, 679
We want to know thee more 679
We want to see thy face. 677
We were chosen in our Head. 77
We were each considered dead 657
We were saved by God’s decree, 857
We, who know thy great salvation, 433
We, whom like children he has reared, 1142
We, whose sins did pierce thee, 827
We will be slaves no more, 210
We will ever thee adore. 640
We will give thee all the glory 205
We will give thee all the praise. 208
We will laud thy lovely name 857
We will not let thee go. 808
We will not slack, nor give thee rest, 808
We will praise thee as we ought. 133
We wish no other bread, 642
We with Christ will be baptized 656
We with pleasure do his will. 654
We with thee would be baptized 651
We would be fed with living bread, 825
We would by faith receive, 821
We would fain obedient be. 650
We would follow none but thee. 433
We would gladly do thy will. 650
We would gladly thee obey, 650
We would live and reign with thee. 610
We would no longer lie 79
We would not come as strangers, Lord, 661
We would not let thee go. 677
We would not wish it less. 854
We would shout aloud and sing, 720
We would thy commandments do. 650
We would thy full salvation prove, 822
We would with thee sympathise 827
We’d their faults to them declare 258
We’ll bless the Saviour’s name 458
We’ll in the mighty God rejoice, 592
We’ll meet the scandal and the shame, 57
We’ll praise him for all that is past, 220
We’ll proclaim his honours high. 913
We’ll run, nor in thy ways be tired 387
We’ll sing, and Christ shall be our song, 592
We’ll sing his glories more. 724
We’ll sing like those around thy throne, 1132
We’ll sing no other song but this 217
We’ll sing our Jesus’ lovely name, 118
We’ll sing the same while life shall last, 217
We’ll still repeat the same. 588
We’ll tell the Father in that day, 29
We’re clean, just God, we’re clean. 29
We’re no longer of the night 1063
We’re sinners vile and base 660
We’ve been abashed, our vileness have confessed, 699
We’ve life, strength, and righteousness too, 670
We’ve meat to eat he knows not of 1125
We’ve no abiding city here, 1048
We’ve no abiding city here 1048
We’ve no abiding city here 1048
We’ve no abiding city here 1048
We’ve nothing of our own to plead, 677
We’ve swelled our woes to an immense degree, 699
Weak and lying in a manger, 776
Weak and wounded, sick, and sore 723
Weak in myself, in him I’m strong 812
Weak, indeed, they feel they are, 397
Weak of body, sick in soul, 801
Weakest souls can wield it best. 270
Weaklings have the victory won. 543
Wealth and honour I disdain, 737
Weaned from all the world besides. 1058
Weaned from my lordly self, 686
Weaned from the lust of praise. 686
Weaned from the miser’s pelf, 686
Weaned from the scorner’s ways, 686
Weary, O Lord, thou know’st I am 1019
Weary of earth, myself, and sin, 386
Weary of wandering from the Lord, 1060
Weep o’er his pierced hands and feet, 29
Weeping, loving, praising, blessing, 918
Weeping saint, forget thy mourning 760
Weeping to Calvary pursue. 688
Welcome all by sin oppressed, 90
Welcome, sweet day of rest, 357
Welcome to his sacred rest 90
Welcome to this reviving breast, 357
Welcome, welcome, hear them sing! 495
Welcome Zion to rejoice. 534
Well, at length I plainly see, 301
Well, canst thou read thy heart, 81
Well deserves the name of Friend 133
Well he remembers Calvary, 438
Well in afflictions thorny maze, 412
Well, let old nature toil 617
Well let the sea shrink all away, 2
Well might the angels wing their way to earth, 703
Well might the sun in darkness hide, 763
Well pleased to smell our poor perfumes 363
Well suited the hungry to fill 566
Well supply thy sons and daughters, 372
Well, we shall quickly pass the night 265
Well when the gospel yields 412
Well when they see his face, 412
Well when thy soul her leanness feels, 412
Well worthy ’tis to be believed, 89
Well worthy wrath divine 860
Well-grounded hope he sends from heaven, 798
Went deep into his side 167
Were all determined by our God. 61
Were all the nations dead. 1
Were altogether half so good. 896
Were bid to wait and watch the war 153
Were brought by Christ (a nobler name) 50
Were by his own spouse procured 562
Were chosen in their Head, 60
Were half the breath thus vainly spent, 394
Were I possessor of the earth, 186
Were in the book of life enrolled. 87A
Were nailed, and torn, and bled for me. 21
Were never exempted from entering therein. 1097
Were not murdered martyrs. 717
Were not salvation free. 680
Were not thy love as firm as free, 182
Were pressed to fill the cup. 1122
Were ravens, which live upon prey 276
Were sanctified in Christ above 62
Wet his locks with dews of night, 1118
What a curse hast thou brought in! 154
What a dear Saviour I have found 144
What a divine harmonious sound 527
What a doleful voice I hear! 170
What a field of consolation! 600
What a Friend we have above. 133
What a frightful, ghastly flood! 170
What a garden-scene is there! 170
What a motley wretch am I! 301
What a polluted world this is, 1027
What a precious, needful thing, 574
What a rich faith has he! 234
What a solid basis this! 594
What a vile, deceitful heart, 1031
What ails those eyes bedewed with tears 705
What am I, and where am I 722
What angels taste, what devils feel 8
What anguish has that question stirred 999
What anxious fears I feel! 812
What are his charms, say they, above 21
What are other loves to thine 170
What balm could wretches ever find 814
What beauties in my Saviour dwell, 22
What beauty e’en in grief appears! 441
What bitter herbs thy beds produce! 153
What blessings all around us shine 499
What blessings are for them prepared 803A
What burden’s this that’s on him laid 712
What can Christians have to fear, 788
What can helpless sinners do 827
What can I bring him forth 959
What can I want beside 247
What can shake thy sure repose 372
What can soften hearts of stone 702
What can such hosts of evil mean 614
What can this lower world afford, 929
What cheering words are these 412
What Christ has said must be fulfilled 352
What comfort can a Saviour bring 89
What comfort can the soul receive 240
What comfort does this truth afford! 174
What concerns me, 769
What condescending ways, 122
What conjugal truth didst thou vow 220
What conquests he won, when he himself fell 417
What could I expect but a frown 319
What creatures beside are favoured like us 449
What crowds of evil thoughts, 733
What crowds would stand on fancy’s side! 291
What curses does the law denounce 48
What doubts are these that try your faith, 212
What dreadful conflicts raged within, 153
What earthly princes wear! 109
What easy victims soon we fall 27
What else can he withhold 395
What else I want, or think I do, 259
What else would scape our sight. 872
What empty things are all the skies, 186
What every member bears. 120
What evils do I see! 196
What faith believes good hope desires, 242
What favours all divine 499
What flows from Calvary. 902
What foolish worms are we! 630
What forms of love he bears for me. 122
What from Christ that soul can sever, 766
What fruit could ever Christians find 858
What glad return can I impart 95
What gloomy lines are writ for me, 4
What glories were described of old! 360
What glory and grandeur I see in his face 1033
What glory, yea, what matchless grace, 525
What God had designed they possessed, 298
What good thing shall we ask, 777
What gospel has to tell! 528
What grateful honours shall we show 755
What handfuls it contains! 519
What harm can ever reach my soul 1083
What has brought this heavy woe 170
What! has the Holy Ghost forgot 715
What he endured no tongue can tell, 403
What he had to undergo. 649
What he once for us went through. 662
What heavenly blessings from his throne 73
What his almighty grace can do. 53
What his almighty love could do. 559
What his almighty power can do, 557
What horrid scenes I view! 314
What human might can do 883
What I am still so slow to learn) 323
What I would humbly crave, 1009
What I’ve committed to his hands, 54
What if he drops no gracious smile, 893
What if he mean to show his grace, 75
What if he mend his life, 146
What if Mount Sinai’s smoke 889
What if my name should be left out, 938
What if the billows rise and roll, 705
What if the tyrant roar, 887
What if their lust rebel, 634
What if, to make his terror known, 75
What ills my soul annoy! 997
What impious numbers, bold in sin, 1143
What in myself I see 119
What is it to be blest indeed, 790
What is love? My soul would answer, 1118
What is love My soul would echo 1118
What is pleasing in his sight 1138
What is sown in death’s dishonour, 463
What is sown in this weak manner, 463
What is sown thus in corruption, 463
What is this that casts thee down 780
What is this world to me 948
What! is thy pity gone 510
What it is supports you still 77
What it is to be a Christian, 237
What Jesus does command, 648
What Jesus has done to save us from hell 417
What joy filled my soul, who can tell 581
What joy in the land at once did appear! 549
What joyful news the gospel is, 525
What land as favoured of the skies, 1143
What less than thy almighty word, 1078
What little things these worlds would be 480
What love this gift declares! 834
What love through all his actions ran! 1121
What love was that which took the whole, 782
What makes mistaken men afraid 222
What makes our Maker hang his head 712
What mean the men that say, Believe, 240
What means this agony of smart 712
What mercies has he made me prove; 410
What mercies shall we share 499
What mighty motive could thee move 153A
What mighty sum paid all my debt, 1156
What more can he say than to you he has said, 329
What more could your Redeemer do 431
What more, ye saints, could Jesus do 441
What mortal tongue display 418
What most I prize to thee, 259
What must a wretched sinner do 899
What! must the Christian draw 522
What must the fountain be 472
What need we’ve all to cleanse 863
What now should be our task 777
What numerous crimes increasing rise 1143
What object’s this which meets my eyes 950
What Omnipotence can do 518
What opposites I feel within! 728
What pangs are these that tear his heart 712
What peace shall reign when thou art here 381
What peaceful hours I then enjoyed, 958
What poor returns I make to thee 672
What powerful beams of love divine 856
What produced that sweat of blood 802
What rebels they had been 665
What rich feasts does he provide! 826
What right can my tormentors plead, 151
What robe is brought to hide his shame 219
What sacred Fountain yonder springs 1156
What safety can a sinner find 814
What saints can feel or angels guess 88
What saints themselves cannot conceive, 681
What shall I do, or whither flee, 238
What shall I do, was then the word, 188
What shall I render to the Lord 188
What shall the dying sinner do, 57
What shall the righteous do 351
What sinners value I resign 473
What slavish fears molest my mind, 151
What snares beset my way! 1051
What solemn tidings reach our ears! 664
What sorrows by their souls are borne, 263
What sorrows I sustain 727
What spoils from death he won, 415
What stream is that which sweeps away 1156
What strength and comfort gleaners get, 519
What sweet invitations the gospel contains, 524
What the God of love can do. 273
What the God of love could mean, 689
What the Lord for me went through. 558
What the Lord for us went through. 657
What the Lord has done for you 658
What the righteous Ruler saith 895
What the Saviour did and bore 982
What theme can sound so sweet 856
What theme, my soul, shall best employ 1156
What, then! shall Christians sin, 601
What there is said he will fulfil, 814
What things ye ask in fervent prayer, 897
What think you of Christ is the test, 1149
What thou hast freely bought. 803A
What thou hast promised I implore, 942
What though bad is your condition, 976
What though I can’t his goings see, 7
What though in the furnace we fall, 12
What though Satan’s strong temptations 333
What though the gates of hell withstood 141
What though the hosts of hell engage 332
What though the world no glory sees 1042
What though their house with God 634
What though they fear each dread alarm, 772
What though thou frown to try my faith 873
What though thy corruptions are many and strong, 1033
What though thy heavy hand afflict 873
What though thy inward lusts rebel 1007
What though your mighty guilt beyond 212
What though your numerous sins exceed 212
What though your sins like mountains on you fall, 669
What thy goodness waits to give. 1077
What thy love designs to do 623
What thy love has for us borne, 651
What thy wisdom sees most fit, 277
What ’tis to rest from sin and woe 482
What tongue can fully tell 313
What treatment since he came 219
What trivial trash they seem! 105
What unsubstantial stuff! 105
What various hindrances we meet, 394
What various ways do men invent, 240
What vile affections there! 733
What voice is that which speaks for me 1156
What was it bruised God’s harmless Lamb 797
What was it pierced his soul, but sin 797
What was my gain I count but loss 112
What we to boundless mercy owe 431
What we’re not to say we are 706
What weakness is and fears, 774
What when prayer meets no regard 780
What will then become of thee 496
What wisdom, majesty, and grace 51
What wonderful love is displayed in thy face! 243
What wonders are of Zion told! 360
What wondrous bounties he bestows 831
What wondrous grace was this! 445
What wondrous love, what mysteries, 119
What wondrous words of grace he spake! 1121
What worthless worms are we! 1
What worthless worms are we! 1
What would my blood avail, if spilt 873
What’s all the boast of nature’s pride 105
Whate’er be his lot, while on earth he resides, 591
Whate’er be our wants, we need not to fear 184
Whate’er consists not with thy love, 940
Whate’er he sought for, there was none 153
Whate’er I need in Jesus dwells, 567
Whate’er I wish or want 886
Whate’er men say, the needy know 313
Whate’er my fears or foes suggest, 401
Whate’er my humble lot below, 257
Whate’er my wisdom does, 614
Whate’er that idol be 958
Whate’er thou send to purge my dross 873
Whate’er thy people owed 227
Whate’er thy providence denies 1083
Whate’er thy sacred will ordains, 1083
Whate’er we judge ourselves, we must 814
Whate’er we want beside. 792
Whatever be my frame, 546
Whatever be my frame, 339
Whatever be our destined case, 808
Whatever be thy frame, 606
Whatever be your frame of mind, 572
Whatever be your lot below, 531
Whatever be your state or case, 631
Whatever cross lies at thy door, 335
Whatever dangers he may meet, 351
Whatever diseases or dangers befall, 155
Whatever distress awaits us below, 184
Whatever distress may betide, 276
Whatever else my Lord denies, 299
Whatever I do, some baseness appears 907
Whatever ills the world befall, 137
Whatever is wanting, his grace will supply. 184
Whatever it possess beside. 255
Whatever loss you bear beside, 351
Whatever may appear 499
Whatever notions we may have, 712
Whatever office Jesus bears, 621
Whatever prompts the soul to pride, 32
Whatever spirit be in thee found, 797
Whatever weary pilgrims need 636
Whatever woes and fears betide, 173
Whatsoe’er afflictions seize us, 746
Whatsoe’er your age or case be, 593
When a glimpse of hope appears, 280
When a sense of sin and thrall 277
When Aaron, in the holiest place, 794
When Abram full of sacred awe, 1145
When Adam by transgression fell, 89
When all around my soul gives way, 1106
When all created streams are dried, 247
When all his sheep, redeemed by blood, 76
When all my dreadful debt of guilt 873
When all the chosen race 194
When all the host was served, the heat 1126
When all their works exhibit death 256
When all these foes are quelled, 308A
When all these foes are quelled, 308
When all things else decay. 118
When all things fail beside. 796
When all this is done, and his heart is assured 309
When all we do with love is mixed, 786
When, and where, and by what means, 306
When and wherever thou shalt smite 275
When any turn from Zion’s way, 999
When assaulted sore by Satan, 270
When beset with various evils, 270
When brethren, friends, and helpers fail, 13
When brought before his throne 74
When, by faith, I view my Lord, 611
When by temptations sore oppressed, 399
When called the vale of death to tread, 926
When called to bear the weighty cross, 328
When called to meet the King of dread, 406
When chastisement shall needful be, 1043
When chilled by sin and death 546
When Christ returns, wake every cheerful passion 497
When Christ returns, wake every cheerful passion 497
When Christ takes possession, and proves himself King, 612
When Christ the Judge shall come 852
When Christ will his messenger send, 591
When creatures to time bid adieu, 635
When dangers line the road, 209
When dangers round her press, 994
When darkness envelops her mind, 334
When darkness envelops the mind, 183
When darkness long has veiled my mind, 323
When darkness seized the Lord of light, 785
When darkness, thick as beamless night, 399
When darkness veils his lovely face, 1106
When David’s God withheld his hand. 620
When, deaf to every warning given, 791
When death itself is dead. 167
When death makes a passage, then to him I’ll fly, 41
When deep calls unto deep, 550
When deliverance thou hast wrought, 611
When drooping sinners pray, 889
When each can feel his brother’s sigh, 1082
When earth and time grow old and die. 409
When earth’s foundations melt away. 96
When enlarged in faith and prayer, 1037
When every good should be conveyed. 61
When faint in the way, or lifeless and cold, 297
When faith is hardly to be found, 1146
When faith is lifted up the high’st, 228
When faith to Sinai looks, 713
When feasting on fair Zion’s hill. 566
When filled with deep distress 225
When filthy passions or unjust 851
When first I saw the Lord 958
When foes and fears prevail! 1051
When foes to God and goodness, 235
When foes within, and foes without, 547
When foes without, and foes within, 636
When foiled by the tempter, she goes 334
When for a humble mind 314
When for a time we stop, 308A
When free from envy, scorn, and pride, 1082
When, freed from my clay, I mount to the skies 322
When, from Egyptian-bondage freed, 358
When from his toil set free, 386
When from my own vileness I turn 162
When from noise he would be free, 802
When from sin shall I be freed 611
When from the dust of death I rise, 103
When from the grave the immortal King 724
When from this world my soul removes 204
When frowns appear to veil his face, 132
When furious foes surround us 235
When gathered from his hand. 178
When ghastly death appears in view, 328
When gloomy death, in dread array, 242
When God appears, all nature shall adore him 497
When God designs it so 1092
When God gave to Moses his ways, 544
When God makes up his last account 360
When God proclaims his name, 555
When God the Holy Ghost reveals 42
When God, the mighty Maker, died 763
When good I would perform, 313
When good I would perform, 314
When, gracious Lord, when shall it be 1074
When great Elijah went, 1155
When guilt, a mighty flood, 994
When guilt lies heavy on my soul, 926
When hanging on the accursed tree, 125
When he bid such sinners live, 1040
When he bore the curse for you. 720
When he descends to show 555
When he died, your souls to save. 658
When he feels his dreadful woes, 545
When he Goliath fought, 338
When he had purged our stains, 127
When he makes the wounded whole. 976
When he reveals the Book of Life, 63
When he sees his poverty. 99
When he tore the heart asunder, 689
When he who Jesus’ cross receives 228
When heaven and earth are fled away. 96
When hell was my desert 13
When helpless I stood and distressed, 581
When his dear sons should mercy find 61
When his disciples cry, 749
When his heavenly odours flow, 558
When his pardon is signed and his peace is procured, 309
When his Spirit leads us home, 90
When hope decays, and God delays, 235
When I a bondman stood, 1156
When I am weak, then am I strong 326
When I approach to God. 119
When I at the bar was arraigned, 581
When I behold Jesus’s face. 529
When I by faith my Maker see 105
When I can feel thy glories shine, 265
When I can go with thee 785
When I can read my title clear, 474
When I can say, My God is mine, 265
When I can sit at Jesus’ feet, 336
When I could triumph with the saints, 288
When I feel my heart like stone, 963
When I forsake his ways 139
When I had lost the road. 292
When I have felt its quickening power, 402
When I have no heart to pray, 963
When I must bow my head and die 173
When I plead for Jesus’ sake. 376
When I shall launch in worlds unseen, 1106
When I soar through tracts unknown, 143
When I survey the wondrous cross 439
When I the tempter’s rage endure, 7
When I thy joys shall see. 934
When I tread the verge of Jordan, 462
When I turn my eyes within, 283
When I walk through the shades of death, 139
When I was to thee a stranger, 1119
When I yield up my soul to thee. 1105
When I’ve no guilt to wash away 427
When in distress on him I called, 936
When in faith I take the sword 43
When in glory’s full possession, 69
When in heaven we see thy face, 208
When in Jesus they believe. 80
When in our hearts we want our own, 682
When in that blest habitation, 69
When in that dear bosom they meet! 162
When in the bosom of the earth 1152
When in this we all agree. 1014
When in thy name we trust, 111
When iniquities abound, 963
When involved in sin and ruin, 205
When is it Christians all agree, 816
When it has found its all in thee. 1075
When Jesse’s young son was honoured of God, 549
When Jesus calls him home 592
When Jesus cannot move. 1066
When Jesus first his love revealed, 1017
When Jesus fought sin, death, and hell, 724
When Jesus’ gracious hand 673
When Jesus he reveals 579
When Jesus hides his face. 678
When Jesus is revealed. 1100
When Jesus left the ground, 467
When Jesus shall fall from his throne 233
When Jesus told me I was his, 266
When Jesus undertook 448
When Jesus, with his mighty love, 251
When Jesus would his grace proclaim, 745
When King Jesus is in sight. 735
When languor and disease invade 472
When life fast spends her feeble flame, 707
When life sinks apace, and death is in view, 324
When lightnings blaze and thunders roll. 924
When, like the restless ocean, 235
When lions are starved, they nourishment find 804
When loathsome in thy sins and blood, 413
When lost in themselves and undone, 183
When love in one delightful stream 1082
When love is cold and languid, 235
When lower and lower we every day fell, 778
When Mary held up him. 709
When men give up the reins to lust, 851
When men of spite against me join, 473
When most we need his helping hand, 132
When mourners stand and hear me tell 22
When my days of mourning cease 284
When my dear Jesus hides his smiling face, 701
When my eye-strings break in death, 143
When my faith is faint and sickly, 43
When my Helper 43
When my Jesus 43
When nature sinks beneath her load, 1091
When new temptations spring and rise, 326
When night’s dim shade I feel, 1035
When Noah, with his favoured few, 685
When none but God is near. 1002
When none but himself could relieve 319
When not perceived, ’tis worse 287
When, nothing in themselves, they see 816
When, O when will it be day 722
When o’er thy head the billows roll, 925
When on her Beloved she leans. 334
When on her Beloved she leans. 334
When on my Beloved I gaze, 162
When on my mourning, burdened heart, 1065
When on the boughs rich fruit we see, 256
When once they get a view 680
When only mine’s so great! 105
When opposed to Christ, their God. 616
When our dear Master would bestow 300
When our hearts we feel thus bad, 306
When our intolerable load 785
When overwhelmed with doubts and fear, 926
When, overwhelmed with grief, 140
When pained and grieved at heart, 434
When pining sickness wastes the frame, 707
When pockets are emptied, and carnal hopes past, 548
When powers of earth and hell arose 1121
When prayer or praise attempts to rise, 1107
When pressed by conscience, wrath, or law. 908
When pressed to earth he prostrate lay 794
When rain long withheld from the earth 276
When ransomed from the grave 420
When rocks and mountains rent with dread 153A
When rolling worlds depart on fire, 411
When ruin shakes all nature’s frame, 87
When ruined nature sinks in years 103
When Ruth a-gleaning went, 519
When saint to saint, in days of old, 911
When saints in darkness roam 603
When saints together meet 634
When Satan appears to stop up our path, 324
When Satan roars, and sin prevails, 509
When, Satan’s blind slave, I sported with death. 232
When self and nature die, 618
When sense and reason fail, 605
When shall all my sorrows end 284
When shall I find my willing heart 249
When shall I settled be 507
When shall I the Saviour see, 280
When shall I to Christ ascend 284
When shall I wake and find me there 473
When shall I your chorus join 333
When shall my eyes behold the Lamb, 1019
When shall my labours have an end 934
When shall the day, dear Lord, appear, 481
When shall the wounded spirit gain 1050
When shall these eyes thy heaven-built walls 934
When shall these hearts more fixed be 296
When shall thy love constrain 1050
When shall we walk the land, and meet 782
When sick, or faint, or sore dismayed, 926
When sin and hell their force unite, 325
When sin had sadly made, 130
When sin prevails, and gloomy fear, 1078
When Sinai’s awful thunder rolled, 399
When sinking, makes them swim 832
When sinners broke the Father’s laws, 207
When sins and fears prevailing rise, 980
When some kind promise glads my soul, 1078
When some sweet promise warms our heart, 1107
When sore afflictions on me lie, 7
When sore afflictions press me down, 402
When sore temptations haunt the soul, 242
When sorely afflicted, and ready to faint, 1104
When sorrow flows from eye to eye, 1082
When storms of sharp distress invade 1141
When storms of sin distress the soul, 924
When storms or tempests rise, 921
When such a guilty wretch as I, 647
When such from wisdom’s teaching start, 898
When sunk in fears, with anguish pressed, 108
When sunk under sentence of death, 220
When sweat and blood forced through the skin! 153
When temptations, foes, and storms, 397
When temptations me surround, 963
When temptations seize us, 306
When temptations seize us 827
When terrors o’er the conscience roll) 1093
When that great God to whom I go 105
When that measure, far from great, 780
When the blessed Jesus died, 789
When the blest day of Pentecost 715
When the chosen tribes debated 876
When the fair sun withdrew his light, 153A
When the grape’s rich blood we see, 830
When the great water-floods prevail, 967
When the heavenly host, assembled, 776
When the hell appears within, 306
When the Lord appears in view, 187
When the Lord himself is there! 802
When the lovely, loving Jesus 776
When the old creation dies. 2
When the poor prisoner, through a grate, 288
When the Saviour will return, 1063
When the set time is come. 592
When the soul is realising 735
When the Spirit it imparts, 702
When the storms of life are past. 1119
When the trump of God shall sound, 1137
When the work of grace is done 968
When the world is in a blaze. 496
When the world shall pass away 1063
When, the wounds of Christ exploring, 689
When their eyes are open 306
When they are severely tempted, 258
When they before him must appear. 666
When they have done all that they can 1149
When they indulge some sinful view, 256
When they my hopes accost 230
When they see the gulfs of guilt 306
When they the furnace prove. 412
When they their needs unto him tell, 624
When they view the Saviour there 788
When thirsty, or faint in the way, 183
When this afflicted soul shall rise 275
When this almighty Warrior stood 561
When this frail house dissolves in dust, 1081
When those that love the Lord, 1082
When thou art nothing in thyself, 708
When thou canst no deliverance see, 925
When thou dost give a heart to pray, 393
When thou for them shalt call 938
When thou hidest thy lovely face, 963
When thou, my righteous Judge, shalt come 938
When thou wilt kindly deign 310
When thousand sins, of various dyes, 773
When thousands make a wretched choice, 440
When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, 329
When, through grace, in Christ our trust is, 416
When through his eyes the Godhead shone. 20
When through the deep waters I call thee to go, 329
When through the desert vast 446
When through the regions of the dead 168
When thus we’re reconciled, 448
When thy face shall on me shine, 280
When thy presence I enjoy, 611
When thy title thou discernest, 484
When time shall be no more 801
When tired with toil, and faint through fear, 358
When to me he shows them, what joy fills my breast! 322
When to worship saints assemble, 920
When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, 9
When troubles attend, or danger, or strife, 184
When troubles roll in thick and fast, 507
When troubles vex, and fears perplex, 235
When union sweet and dear esteem, 1082
When various lusts imperious rise, 399
When war and tumult’s waves run high, 137
When we appear in yonder cloud 118
When we arrive at Zion’s hill, 176
When we call, O hear our prayer! 753
When we complain and mourn for sin 1107
When we incurred the wrath of God 861
When we join the general chorus 913
When we join the world, be near us, 1137
When we know ’twas all for us 237A
When we lay in sin polluted, 1040
When we live on Jesus’ merit, 180
When we possess delight. 1064
When we pray, or when we sing, 796
When we shall clearly see, 330
When we shall from earth be free 1062
When we take the sacred symbols 826
When we think how much our Father 1014
When we think of love like this, 1062
When we to his glory come, 90
When we trust electing grace 795
When we trust thee, 753
When we watch, then may we pray, 645
When we’re faint and weary. 827
When weltering in Gethsemane 655
When, when will that blest time arrive, 310
When will my Saviour come 948
When will the happy moment come 647
When wilt thou banish my complaints, 24
When wisdom calls, they stop their ear, 76
When, with a single word, 338
When with eternal, future things, 479
When with evils I’m beset, 990
When with it the soul is refreshed. 566
When with that divine Light compared, 544
When worms partake, such worms as we, 823
When wounded, pained or weak 828
When yielding up their breath. 1155
When you hear your condemnation, 496
When you, with sweet surprise, 539
When Zion’s children shall return 1021
When Zion’s sons, great God! appear 1127
Whence arose the torturing smart 170
Whence do our mournful thoughts arise 327
Whence is imputed righteousness 222
Whence the healing streams do flow 462
Whence will spring a tree of love, 779
Whene’er becalmed I lie 294
Whene’er I make some sudden stop 812
Whene’er I pray, I’ll turn my face. 142
Whene’er I speak, whate’er I do, 974
Whene’er my feeble spirit faints 960
Whene’er my heart complains, 1086
Whene’er my Saviour and my God 410
Whene’er temptations fright my heart, 1051
Whene’er the archangel’s trump shall sound, 938
Whene’er they meet the public eye, 1013
Whene’er to call the Saviour mine, 1078
Whene’er we run astray. 335
Whensoever ’tis applied. 157
Where a million evils dwell, 616
Where a vile race of men 1146
Where a weary soul may rest 686
Where all divine perfections meet, 17
Where all his beauties you behold, 18
Where all his toil will be repaid 1049
Where all my pleasures roll 185
Where all the exulting tribes are blessed 430
Where are the happy seasons spent 1041
Where are those we counted leaders, 1144
Where but with thee, whose open door 967
Where can I find a hiding-place 711
Where Christ applies his blood 1030
Where Christ has lain before, 845
Where churches meet to praise and pray. 360
Where death and darkness reign, 995
Where dismal doubts and darkness dwell, 835
Where fears and doubts can never come, 92
Where for refuge shall I fly, 944
Where fruitful trees in order stand, 22
Where God his full beauty displays. 246
Where God the Saviour loved and died! 752
Where God unfolds his grace 599
Where God unveils his blissful face, 850
Where grace and peace for ever dwell. 889
Where grace maintains her dwelling-place, 228
Where he displays his powers abroad, 142
Where he has recorded my name, 162
Where he is gone they fain would know, 22
Where he unveils his lovely face, 18
Where he would show triumphant grace. 61
Where health, and peace, and joy unite 257
Where hell and horror reigns. 100
Where his redeemed have ever been, 87A
Where hope or mercy never came 87A
Where I a-gleaning go. 519
Where I forever hope to dwell, 479
Where I may my soul recline. 944
Where I may my troubles roll. 389
Where I might find my God! 727
Where I shall sing the song of grace, 134
Where is he that died to save 741
Where is the blessedness I knew 958
Where is the power can reach them there, 345
Where is the soul-refreshing view 958
Where is the zeal that led us then 1041
Where is thy boasted victory, Grave 464
Where Jesus answers prayer 388
Where Jesus Christ is born. 39
Where Jesus holds his court. 359
Where Jesus is, there they must be, 596
Where Jesus pleads above. 472
Where Jesus reigns alone. 1024
Where Jesus sheds the brightest beams 476
Where Jesus, Son of man and God, 850
Where Jesus unveileth his face. 635
Where length, and breadth, and depth, and height 153A
Where lilies show their spotless heads. 22
Where living waters flow 673
Where lurking idols lie. 891
Where many a Lazar comes 743
Where many round me blindly stray 960
Where mercy does abound, 1009
Where mingling grief and wonder flow 1123
Where much transgression is forgiven, 755
Where must a sinner fly, 585
Where must a sinner fly, 146
Where my dear God has been, 357
Where my mind was fixed before, 347
Where my Redeemer, God, 359
Where nature’s golden treasure shines 57
Where now we are hoping in safety to come. 243
Where, O Death, is now thy sting 485
Where one is, will be both. 880
Where only Christ is heard to speak, 1024
Where peace and liberty are found, 995
Where perfect pleasure is. 327
Where pilgrims freed from toil are blest 1048
Where pride cannot intrude 287
Where purest waters flow 684
Where ransomed sinners sound God’s praise 850
Where saints and angels draw their bliss 472
Where saints are free from every load 850
Where saints immortal reign 1022
Where shall the guilty conscience find 57
Where shall the sinner find a cure 977
Where shall we go to seek and find 365
Where should I lodge my deep complaint 967
Where should the dying members rest, 466
Where sickly souls may find a cure. 896
Where sin lulls all asleep 294
Where sin no more defiles 850
Where sin no more shall vex my soul, 647
Where sins and sorrows never come. 655
Where solid pleasures never die, 481
Where statedly the gospel sounds! 1001
Where storms and darkness never rise! 142
Where the living waters flow. 768
Where the mourners cease to weep. 1102
Where the Redeemer reigns. 203
Where the rich fountain of thy grace 738
Where then can he flee for help or relief 520
Where they rest at noon, discover 965
Where they their Saviour oft have met 1001
Where they with wonder tell 371
Where this abyss of love shall flow. 87A
Where thou feed’st thy tender flock 965
Where thy dear people wait for thee! 738
Where thy great Captain-Saviour’s gone. 1007
Where thy little flocks abide, 944
Where thy lovely face is seen 768
Where two or three together meet, 1132
Where two or three, with sweet accord, 453
Where undeclining pleasures rise, 257
Where various forms of death appear 1049
Where vengeance and compassion join, 207
Where waves and billows never roll 386
Where we our rest shall gain. 995
Where were room for credence 315
Where willing converts wait 371
Where winds and waves distress no more. 294
Where’er it is bestowed 225
Where’er they seek thee thou art found, 1023
Where’er thy saints assemble now, 366
Where’s, O Grave, thy conquering glory 491
Where’s the condemning power beside 486
Where’s the faith ye all could vow 802
Where’s the love ye lately had, 802
Where’s the power can ever sunder 826
Where’s thy seat, O tell me, where 988
Where’s thy sting, thou phantom Death 491
Where’s thy victory, boasting Grave 485
Wherefore art thou thus cast down 333
Wherein free grace abounds. 55
Wherein my defence thou hast proved 346
Wherever I go, it rings in my ears 907
Wherewith shall I come before the Most High, 907
Wherewith shall we approach the Lord, 383
Whether his power we slight or dread, 814
Which all my soul with horror shake 384
Which angels can’t express 105
Which animates these strong desires 1078
Which appears in streams of blood. 157
Which before the cross I spend, 158
Which, boasting much to know, 860
Which breedeth all the woe. 335
Which brings them to his feet in haste, 580
Which brought down Goliath in Israel’s sight. 549
Which brought the Lord of glory from above. 703
Which can both food and comfort give! 979
Which can never, never cloy. 609
Which cheers the conscience well 81
Which, children-like, we boast, 792
Which clouded all the holy room 794
Which comes to us so free. 782
Which daily I receive 959
Which David must have, their captain become 549
Which draws me to his door 743
Which drew the wondrous plan. 201
Which everywhere abound, 292
Which faith presents to view 856
Which feeleth well its woe, 889
Which filled me with horror and fear, 581
Which fills my mind with such surprise 950
Which flatter to preserve from harms 620
Which floods of wrath can never drown 92
Which for his seed he will fulfil, 224
Which from the pit delivered me. 732
Which God and man will cheer. 890
Which God has holy made. 358
Which God imputes, and faith puts on. 113
Which God in Zion lays, 141
Which greatly increased my pain, 565
Which guilty sinners took away. 44
Which he by Moses gave 809
Which he drank quite up that sinners might live! 232
Which he gives them when they pray. 372
Which hears if Jesus softly speak, 905
Which hides that world of light. 1155
Which hides them from the world awhile! 1001
Which I could not withstand. 189
Which is, that we may know thee more, 855
Which Jesus kindly sends. 1113
Which Jesus ratified with blood 332
Which keeps them waiting stand, 749
Which knits and cheers all hearts above, 890
Which lead to Zion’s hill. 302
Which leads us to the mount of God 289
Which, Lord, was charged on thee 227
Which makes broken hearts to rejoice, 566
Which makes insolvent wretches free. 598
Which makes the sinner sing aloud, 553
Which makes their bliss secure 598
Which met Ezekiel’s eye, 891
Which my God for me ordained 69
Which nature untoward would shun 250
Which neither life nor death can part 1024
Which never could from them remove. 633
Which none but Christ can give 107
Which none but who receives can read. 681
Which none can do but Jesus. 814
Which nothing shall sunder, without or within. 221
Which o’er my bosom roll! 732
Which of all our friends, to save us, 133
Which of the glories brightest shone 207
Which only bring me grief! 883
Which only God can know. 287
Which ordained Gethsemane. 802
Which others cannot do. 745
Which others cannot view 745
Which perfectly cleanses from sin and from filth, 155
Which perplex and tease us 315
Which planted is by human hand 178
Which prompts our restless, ardent sighs 1081
Which purges my conscience from dross. 319
Which Satan’s power cannot control, 28
Which saves from second death 472
Which saves such worthless worms as we. 700
Which seem to say, While this you do, 448
Which sees no evil in the guilt, 937
Which some so much esteem, 105
Which, sprinkled round, I see, 395
Which sprinkled them with paschal blood, 815
Which, swallowed as delicious meats, 860
Which they did not from him receive. 66
Which they so highly love and prize 531
Which thou canst lead aright. 1059
Which thou hast set before us. 131
Which thousands cannot, will not, see. 1142
Which thus protects us by the way. 286
Which tidings suit them well. 528
Which to us was due alone. 1118
Which we attend today! 434
Which whosoe’er receives, 983
Which wonders to feel its own hardness depart 11
While all exposed to wrath divine 763
While all our hearts and all our songs 440
While all the armies of the sky 213
While angels in their songs rejoice, 1002
While angels live to know his name, 100
While at the throne of grace. 382
While, born from above, and upheld by thy love, 68
While Christ is rich, I can’t be poor 247
While conquests wreathe his heavenly head, 486
While contests rend the Christian church, 974
While each repeated sight, 107
While everlasting love displays 440
While every nation, every shore, 1141
While faith inspires a heavenly ray, 231
While faith looks up to Jesus’ blood, 242
While floating in the brain 169
While God is God to me. 247
While grace stands pointing out the road 498
While grace the rage of sin controls, 943
While guilt disturbs and breaks my peace, 1004
While harassed and cast from thy sight, 293
While he exalts the bleeding Lamb. 450
While he fulfils his gracious word 387
While he in silence moans, 618
While he is preaching Christ the Lord, 508
While he proclaims the gospel news 450
While he shall preach thy gospel word 450
While heaven’s resounding mansions ring 938
While heavenly hosts their anthems sing, 834
While here, and when beyond the grave. 550
While here, and when I reach beyond the grave, 668
While here, I walk on hostile ground 1021
While here on earth they dwell 16
While his dear cross appears 763
While his face on me does shine, 342
While his left hand my head sustains. 326
While his love, my soul surprising, 689
While hope in that fountain his spirit renews. 243
While horror spreads from coast to coast, 1093
While hosts of hell and powers of death, 164
While humbled in the dust we lie, 382
While humbly at his throne we bow, 911
While I am a pilgrim here, 379
While I draw this fleeting breath, 143
While I have such a Lord 294
While I see divine compassion 158
While in affliction’s furnace, 131
While in his name we meet 1134
While in Meshech I reside 573
While in Meshech we must wander, 563
While in this wilderness below 289
While in this world we stay 118
While Jehovah 43
While Jesus cries, These, these are mine! 494
While Jesus is our King 642
While Jesus kindly deigns to spread 271
While Jesus lives, they can’t be lost. 634
While Jesus lives to bring them home, 532
While Jesus shows his heart is mine, 1011
While Jesus silence breaks 345
While Jesus whispers peace, 682
While Jesus’ spotless righteousness 908
While less than nothing I could boast, 475
While life and breath remain. 631
While life or breath remains 361
While like a penitent I stand, 125
While like a tide our minutes flow, 2
While men will something seem 816
While mercy cries, Forbear! 1143
While mercy o’er the guilty reigns. 17
While millions shall gaze divested of hope, 568
While Moses stood with arms spread wide, 394
While my toils and conflicts last 1119
While oceans of sorrow lay pressing him down, 414
While on her Beloved she leans. 334
While one is pleading with our God, 677
While other nations, far and near, 1142
While others go and come) 139
While others live in mirth and ease, 929
While others sank in sin to die. 924
While our days on earth are lengthened, 1135
While our hearts, with deep devotion, 1150
While Pharisees set grace at nought, 601
While power, and truth, and boundless love 5
While power divine his word attends, 368
While pride and carnal reasonings join 71
While rattling thunders round us roar. 480
While rocks with rivers flow 318
While Satan’s fiery darts he bore, 120
While Satan’s troops are bold, 374
While seraphs sang all hell’s defeat. 405
While shouts of victory rend the sky, 489
While sin defiles our frame 1148
While sinners tremble, saints rejoice before him. 497
While some on their own works rely, 1095
While such a scene of sacred joys 265
While tempests blow and billows rise. 83
While the bright angelic legions 913
While the burning sun is high 944
While the dear saints of God below 996
While the heart relents and trembles, 826
While the long cloud of witnesses 477
While the raging billows roll, 303
While the saints rejoice in theirs 491
While the Spirit 43
While the tempest still is high. 303
While the truth maintains thy fight. 270
While the vault of heaven rings 972
While the vile world esteem it strange, 53
While their Captain leads the way 495
While their heart-strings rend with anguish, 495
While these excite my fear and joy, 8
While these my tuneful lips employ, 8
While they around the throne 415
While they fall before the Word. 270
While they have gained, we losers are, 1155
While they the sinner’s Friend, 371
While this balm of life I prove, 689
While thou art near, in vain they call 927
While thou liest out of Christ, 799
While through thy blood absolved I am, 103
While thus a queen in state I sit, 336
While thy dear cause is thus suppressed, 285
While thy eternal thought moves on 1
While thy sharp sorrows meet their eyes 738
While time sweeps earthly thrones away 257
While to remembrance, Lord, we call 824
While to their golden harps they sing 481
While travelling through this wilderness 531
While underneath his mercy spreads 70
While upon the Lamb I gaze 158
While walking on the gospel-way, 690
While we address our heavenly Friend 382
While we behold thee on the tree, 823
While we, by faith, with love and fear, 382
While we can call one mite our own, 218
While we can hymn thee thus 850
While we hymn our common King, 864
While we in Meshech dwell, 517
While we journey homeward, let us 1014
While we laud the name of Jesus, 864
While we pass through the wilderness 724
While we pass through this barren land, 265
While we possess a Saviour’s love. 1125
While we receive the bread and wine, 661
While we stand, ’tis in thy strength 1040
While we still continue here, 1062
While we thy sacred rite obey. 655
While with his last expiring breath, 1080
While with his saints I join to tell, 410
While with the Father and the Son, 1002
While within, and all around, 1031
While you make his ways your choice. 428
Whilst I am stationed here. 216
Whilst millions of the human race 78
Whilst she in spotless splendour shone. 10
Whilst thee, our Saviour and our God, 434
Whilst they are sinners dead to God, 1094
Whilst we’re engaged in prayer and praise 1131
White and whole, clothe the soul, 104
White is his soul, from blemish free 21
Whither, ah! whither should I go, 927
Whither, from the dread of dying, 1068
Whither, O whither should I fly, 1016
Whither should a wretch be flying, 1068
Who all my sorrows took. 201
Who all our sorrow bore 415
Who all thy sorrows bore 487
Who am all unfitness 780
Who am but a worm, and doomed to die 907
Who are one in Christ their Head. 543
Who are those that grieve thee 780
Who bears your names upon his heart. 82
Who bore our curse and sin. 677
Who bore our curse and sin. 508
Who bought me with his blood, 100
Who bought us with thy blood! 146
Who but the Son shall take that book, 19
Who but the soul that’s led to know 113
Who, by faith, in Christ can trust 545
Who, by the wonders of his love, 505
Who came to seek and save the lost. 978
Who can ascend his high abode, 15
Who can describe the joys that rise 422
Who can faint while such a river 372
Who can half our baseness tell 535
Who can hear and nothing feel 689
Who can it be that groans beneath 950
Who can make its wonders known 535
Who can meet an angry God 495
Who can need it more than we 753
Who can praise and never faint, 177
Who can resist thy heavenly love, 1095
Who can rightly comprehend 154
Who can speak my heartfelt joy 116
Who can stand before his rod 495
Who can think without admiring 689
Who can thy acts express, 833
Who can thy deep wonders see, 802
Who can travel this way home. 543
Who can understand the sorrows 651
Who can well receive them 315
Who cannot do but what is just, 261
Who chose me in the blessed Lamb 78
Who cleavest to the Lord by faith 707
Who comes just in time, and glad tidings brings, 520
Who comes seeking mercy for Jesus’s sake. 11
Who comfortest the heavy heart, 28
Who could hold me up but thou 376
Who, dearly to redeem your loss, 861
Who deigned for such to bleed 214
Who did their ransom pay, 413
Who didst between the cherubs dwell, 1140
Who died, and who rose, and from sin set me free. 521
Who died for sin, but lives to God, 487
Who died to make salvation sure, 508
Who does the work without reward. 900
Who dost salvation seal 870
Who drink and sing his praise. 684
Who dwelt in humble clay, 505
Who evermore saves us by shedding his blood 404
Who, except Jesus smiles within, 470
Who fain would believe him, and in your best room 804
Who feel their hearts a dreadful den 526
Who feel your misery 989
Who feels his guilty load, 146
Who feels the same within. 217
Who fill’st the soul through Jesus’ blood, 28
Who fixed his languid eyes on me, 1025
Who fondly of their something boast, 172
Who for ever bow before him, 333
Who freely accepted the same, 569
Who freely shed atoning blood, 16
Who frees from sin and leads to heaven. 78
Who frighted flee from wrath 130
Who from all our bondage freed us, 208
Who, from our sinful race, 505
Who gathered flocks below, 374
Who gave him strength to sling 338
Who gave his life a sacrifice 123
Who gloried in his plan. 680
Who gott’st thy victory over hell 774
Who governs heaven and earth, nor sits 646
Who governs the sun, moon, and stars, 632
Who grants us to know his drawings below 68
Who groan with a body of sin, 298
Who groaned upon the tree. 512
Who has a fountain near 247
Who has an undisputed right 261
Who has, by the word of his grace, 516
Who has not shed his blood in vain 1036
Who has such a Saviour 574
Who has washed us in his blood. 719
Who hast created all things new, 195
Who hast the wine-press trod 823
Who have never heard his name. 283
Who have no works to plead 526
Who his people’s foes o’ercame! 982
Who his quiet shall molest 1071
Who hopes a better rest to find. 1048
Who humbly seek thy face, 146
Who hunger and thirst for redemption by thee. 197
Who hunger for his righteousness 979
Who in his dear name believes. 759
Who in Jesus Christ are found, 600
Who in Jesus Christ believe 69
Who in our hearts of sin and woe 33
Who in our Jesus trust. 843
Who in the Life believe. 130
Who in the Lord believe. 803A
Who in thy presence stand 808
Who is a God beside the Lord 419
Who is not grieved at sin. 785
Who is the Bread of God 446
Who is this fair one in distress, 92
Who its breadth or length can tell 766
Who its heights and depths can tell 116
Who its sovereign virtues know. 932
Who know not how faith can prevail 276
Who know not to speak, much less to do more, 129
Who know the joyful sound 526
Who know what legal bondage is, 528
Who knows the Father’s mind. 292
Who knows the joyful sound. 987
Who knows what dwells within 510
Who learns to think and call it prayer 901
Who leave the world’s deceitful shore, 290
Who lives to feel his need, 527
Who, living, lived but to rebel. 10
Who long the paths of sin have trod, 806A
Who long to lay hold on life by his death 804
Who love the Saviour’s name 921
Who loved and conquered thus 856
Who loved their ancient race 318
Who loves her to the end. 130
Who loves to live like him. 855
Who makes the kindred known. 757
Who makes the Lord his trust. 714
Who makes us conquerors, though we die, 464
Who makes us watch and pray. 782
Who makest us conquerors over death, 844
Who meet to mourn, confess, and pray 1142
Who meet together in thy name 1131
Who most is favoured most should bear. 810
Who mourn for sin with inward smart 1112
Who must for ever lie in hell, 680
Who never hast a good withheld, 259
Who never loved before. 1114
Who now have plighted hands 375
Who now seemed best would soon be worst 810
Who of life were winners, 717
Who offered up his blood, 124
Who on the good Shepherd rely 276
Who on thee their hopes have built. 1116
Who only see the sign, 661
Who opened the channel of mercy for me. 11
Who opens all their eyes. 181
Who ordered Gideon forth, 338
Who our poor petitions heard. 501
Who pass through tribulation 806
Who ransomed our poor souls from hell. 837
Who rather than lose us would shed his heart’s blood. 804
Who reigns on his throne, the Prince of our peace 404
Who rightly would his alms dispose 218
Who, safe beneath their guardian Rock, 137
Who savedst a sinful race 870
Who saves by different ways! 124
Who saves in every deep distress. 618
Who see no charm in Jesus’ name. 898
Who seek the Lord, but fear his frown 897
Who seek the smilings of his face, 979
Who seeks and saves the lost. 108
Who sent him to the fight, 338
Who set us to labour in vain 220
Who shall adjudge the saints to hell 72
Who shall divide us from his love, 72
Who shall not see his face. 986
Who shall the Lord’s elect condemn 72
Who shall thy limits e’er explore 87
Who shall thy wandering mazes trace 87A
Who shall violate his rest 1071
Who shed for man his blood, 234
Who sitt’st upon thy throne 856
Who smiled, and said, Be of good cheer, 565
Who sometimes am afraid to die, 938
Who soon shall call us home. 102
Who stand in Christ complete 15
Who, stripped of all merit whereon to rely, 1097
Who tarries but a day 673
Who taste the peace thy blood imparts, 146
Who the covenant sealed with blood, 1138
Who their native vileness see, 918
Who then shall reconcile 146
Who, through Jesus, gone to glory, 1118
Who thus far has brought us from evil to good 778
Who to everlasting shall rest in his love. 912
Who to glory went before us, 913
Who to our hearts this love reveals 34
Who to the dead canst life impart, 28
Who took all my woes, and was made sin for me 521
Who tremble for the Ark of God, 1142
Who upon his grace rely, 593
Who waits for thy salvation, Lord, 330
Who wants a sight of thee. 299
Who wept so much for us. 734
Who, when we all were lost, 821
Who will show us any good 1045
Who will show us any good 1045
Who work with mighty pain 56
Who worships at my throne. 1132
Who worthy art alone. 856
Who would believe thy gracious word, 447
Who would do all things well, 313
Who would revere thy word. 1128
Whoe’er believes aright 311
Whoe’er can truly say, I thirst, 684
Whoe’er would be completely blest 809
Whoever in Jesus believes, 632
Whoever repents of his sin against God, 239
Whole and undiminished 780
Wholly taken up with thee! 626
Whom angels worship, devils dread 803
Whom Christ has reconciled to God. 681
Whom have we in heaven above, 827
Whom heaven adores with all its hosts 1042
Whom men disturbers call 223
Whom no man can comfort, whom no man can save 993
Whom on earth beside thee 827
Whom once he loves he never leaves, 351
Whom once he receives, his Spirit ne’er leaves, 68
Whom the Lord Jehovah loves, 623
Whom the Saviour calls his own, 1063
Whom though we cannot comprehend, 29
Whom we, unseen, adore 476
Whose anger is so slow to rise, 1015
Whose beauties I can ne’er explain, 580
Whose blood can cleanse the foulest soul, 527
Whose blood did once atone. 592
Whose blood for him did flow 1092
Whose blood should set his people free 405
Whose bonds are firm and sure, 87
Whose cause you own, whose name you bear 807
Whose charms enchant, and lead astray 954
Whose children they abhorred 494
Whose claims are all divine, 261
Whose dark benighted mind 732
Whose dear heart’s a constant flame. 1118
Whose depth unfathomed, no man knows, 1075
Whose eyelids never sleep. 1059
Whose Father fills a throne! 1013
Whose favours are divine. 420
Whose glories ne’er shall fade! 87
Whose glories shine to endless days 427
Whose glorious works and ways 590
Whose goodness endures the same to the end 343
Whose gracious promise, sealed with blood, 261
Whose hearts are afflicted because they’re so hard 40
Whose hope is fixed on Christ alone, 681
Whose hope, still hovering round thy word, 761
Whose laws are peace and love 571
Whose love can never end 472
Whose love forbids my fears 259
Whose love is as large as his power, 220
Whose love is still the same 517
Whose love no change can know. 592
Whose love’s a constant flame. 132
Whose mercies are so great, 1015
Whose mercy shall unshaken stay, 96
Whose mercy will afford 630
Whose mind is stayed on thee 330
Whose moments pass in sighs and tears, 1028
Whose mystic members, from of old, 87A
Whose name is Jehovah, I AM, 632
Whose name tis you profess 312
Whose potent shalls and wills 87
Whose promises ever remain, 628
Whose sacred words he’ll ne’er revoke, 915
Whose sins are washed away with blood, 681
Whose sins the Lamb should bear away. 66
Whose soul, encouraged by thy word, 1056
Whose soul’s o’erwhelmed in pains of death 950
Whose souls are humbled in the dust, 978
Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home 220
Whose spirits are filled with dismay, 350
Whose stench infects the air, and makes 308
Whose temples bled for her. 994
Whose tongue can dare proclaim 532
Whose truth and kindness are divine, 132
Whose waters run both full and free 986
Whose wisdom, love, and truth, and power, 70
Whose word they scorned on earth, 494
Whose words can never fail. 247
Whoso lives upon his promise, 864
Why afraid to tell thy case 956
Why am I captivated thus, 507
Why am I not healthy 780
Why are we then ashamed 344
Why art thou afraid to come 956
Why cast down, or troubled so 760
Why despair of cure, and perish 876
Why do we mourn departed friends, 466
Why do we, then, indulge our fears, 269
Why does he venture, then, from shore, 1049
Why does your face, ye humble souls, 212
Why dost thou envy worldly men, 929
Why dost thou now give place to fear 961
Why, drooping saint, dismayed 909
Why fear we, then, to trust 842
Why hast thou laid her fences waste 1140
Why he chose Gethsemane! 802
Why he who all the world upholds, 1012
Why heaves my heart the anxious sigh 957
Why I should love my Jesus so 21
Why in these tents of sorrow groan 915
Why me, why me, O blessed God, 680
Why, O Lord, such love to me 766
Why, O my soul, art thou dismayed 915
Why should a pilgrim grope within, 604
Why should I complain of want or distress, 232
Why should I fear when guarded so, 1113
Why should I grudge to bear his cross 873
Why should I longer lie 729
Why should I shrink at pain and woe, 934
Why should I shrink at thy command, 259
Why should I, then, poison cherish 876
Why should I yield to fear 604
Why should I yield to slavish fears 981
Why should my fears so far prevail, 230
Why should one that bears thy name, 874
Why should the children of a King 24
Why should the soul a drop bemoan, 247
Why should thy adopted child, 874
Why should thy sorrows swell 917
Why should we shrink at Jordan’s flood, 467
Why should we tremble to convey 466
Why should you doubt his love or power 989
Why sinks my weak, desponding mind 957
Why so cast down, dejected soul 714
Why so offensive in their eyes 222
Why such a wretch as me 680
Why such sorrows are endured 615
Why, then, this dejection 780
Why this dull and lifeless frame 283
Why those fears behold, ’tis Jesus 1102
Why, though tempted every day, 77
Why through darksome paths we go, 315
Why to my soul did he convey 191
Why was I made to hear thy voice, 440
Wide as the stretch of human woe, 1091
Wide is the gate of death 308
Wield the Spirit’s two-edged sword, 270
Will (as they have been oft) 734
Will adore and bless thy name. 970
Will all the painful load remove. 1109
Will be for ever mine. 198
Will be glad to join the chorus 864
Will be their constant theme 215
Will bid my griefs depart. 299
Will bless the helping hand. 218
Will carry us away. 564
Will chase them from thy sight 782
Will effect a perfect cure. 976
Will endless salvation and glory bestow. 68
Will fade, like glow-worms in the sun, 792
Will find the gospel’s joyful sound 528
Will find their something nothing more 172
Will find yourself at home 539
Will freely give us all we need. 837
Will gain us God’s esteem 805
Will God accept but this. 45
Will help his servant to the end. 338
Will help me all my journey through 961
Will here all good provide 247
Will I commit my cause 122
Will in us conquer too. 779
Will ineffectual prove 691
Will it then indeed be light 722
Will keep us from sinning, will prosper our ways, 254
Will land me on fair Canaan’s coast, 134
Will leave us exposed to his rod. 670
Will love them to the end. 1059
Will love them to the end. 222
Will make a cripple sprightly move. 49
Will make amends for all. 337
Will make him blooming look as May, 528
Will make the body clean, 862
Will make thee haste to kiss the Son, 113
Will make thee love that glorious dress 113
Will make their very souls to sing. 526
Will make us long to reign with thee. 387
Will mind whate’er he bid 852
Will my doubting ne’er be o’er 280
Will never know or taste his grace 78
Will never of his goodness boast, 1089
Will not content my heart 886
Will not let them cry in vain. 397
Will only feed the flesh. 1126
Will pay regard to all his word, 852
Will prize forgiveness most. 218
Will prove a fertile root, 779
Will prove his promise true. 986
Will safe convey me home. 24
Will satisfy an earthly worm, 901
Will show a path of safe retreat. 332
Will sink the sinner very low. 1026
Will still creep in, which devils devise 774
Will surely bring them home 532
Will surprise your trembling heart, 496
Will thankful be for it. 528
Will the Christian’s way oppose 616
Will the Lord indeed appear, 722
Will the Lord return no more 280
Will the sinner’s heart confound! 496
Will the sun its beams extend 722
Will them a glorious banquet yield 979
Will this precede the day of death, 782
Will thy gracious Saviour 780
Will to the cross of Christ repair, 113
Will waft him quickly to the shore. 1049
Will, with his darts, thy soul engage, 377
Willing to be saved by grace. 389
Wills to do what he requires 180
Wilt for me work, and in me too, 182
Wilt thou forsake me too 999
Wilt thou my load of guilt remove, 429
Wilt thou not crown at length 278
Wilt thou not grant me warmer zeal 402
Wilt thou not save a soul from death, 1103
Wilt thou pursue thy worm to death 295
Winds from the north and south, awake, 1127
Winter threatens to destroy 400
Wipe away each falling tear! 769
Wipe away the mourner’s tears 754
Wisdom and mercy guide my way 259
Wisdom and power belongs 421
Wisdom descends to heal the blind, 1006
Wisdom through all the mystery shines, 5
With a convincing power and light, 46
With a fixed and constant faith 796
With a holy, solemn frame. 656
With a living faith in Christ, 615
With a peculiar sway 38
With a sense of pardoned sin, 758
With a view to show his grace. 1040
With agonising smart. 156
With all his grace contains, 607
With all his hellish crew. 764
With all its pomp and all its glare, 174
With all its saving powers. 31
With all its wondrous toil and smart 1120
With all that scene of suffering love 856
With all the blood-bought throng above, 647
With all the fates of men, 4
With all the graces of his train 368
With all the heavenly host, 502
With all the pomp of diction 814
With all the ransomed there. 995
With all the riches of his grace 978
With all the wonders he has done, 922
With all the wounds and pains I bear 985
With all their hellish train, 151
With all their sin and guilt 585
With all thy favoured throng, 118
With all thy grace and power 801
With all thy great salvation bless, 1088
With all thy saints I’ll then agree, 385
With an immortal pen. 14
With an inviting voice. 56
With an unwavering tongue. 192
With angels join to praise the Lamb, 752
With angels round the throne 1005
With anxious care and painful thought, 637
With ardent wish my heart aspires, 1078
With arm outstretched, and mighty hand, 782
With arms of little worth 338
With atoning blood and love. 767
With bar, or bolt, or pin, 685
With beams of mercy shine 1069
With beams of sacred bliss, 1011
With bitterest anguish and groans on the tree, 150
With blessings from heaven above. 635
With blessings from on high 630
With blessings in my hand 507
With blest anticipation; 131
With blood (but not his own), 121
With blood and with water the first to atone, 155
With boldness this truth I’ll maintain 523
With boldness we journey, while Christ leads us on, 243
With boundless stores of grace. 135
With breathings from above. 30
With bright immortal trophies now 407
With burning coals and incense filled, 794
With care against assaults provides, 1020
With caution we should tread, 335
With cheerful hearts, and cheerful voice, 592
With choicest tokens of thy grace! 368
With Christ, above the skies 539
With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm. 232
With Christ, our Lord, we share our part 73
With Christ the Lamb once slain 665
With Christ to sympathise 663
With Christ we would be fed 642
With Christ within the doors, 440
With comfort, joy, and peace abound. 996
With cords of his eternal love, 923
With cries and tears he offered up 117
With dainties such as angels have, 393
With dangers thick on every hand 245
With darkness surrounded, by terrors dismayed, 993
With David’s Lord and ours, 87
With each other and the Lord 500
With ease from their burdens, in Jesus to rest. 524
With energy and power 508
With equal praise and zeal the same. 409
With ever-growing praise. 261
With every angel’s form and size, 4
With every furious passion die 1070
With every gift of grace. 489
With evils, felt or feared 308
With fair deceitful lips they speak, 1146
With faith, and hope, and love 28
With faith, and peace, and joy, 648
With faith, and peace, and love 242
With faith to fight and conquer all. 374
With fatal strength in every part 977
With Father, Son and Spirit, 483
With favour on our deacons shine, 1154
With fears, and doubts, and tempests tossed, 705
With feet to run where thou dost call 374
With fetters loaded every morn, 900
With fiery zeal his soul inflame, 450
With flames of pure seraphic love 29
With flowing tears, Lord, we’d confess 296
With food and raiment too 624
With food divine may we be fed, 454
With fowls of every wing, 805
With gifts of grace their hearts endow 375
With glory they shall all be decked 67
With God he was the Word was God 20
With God to commune as a friend 233
With great and awful power, 666
With groans, and cries, and tears 774
With guilt beset, and deep in debt, 378
With heart, and soul, and mind, 102
With heart, and soul, and voice, 607
With heart and with voice, to Jesus our King, 778
With heart and with voice, with lip and with tongue, 521
With hearts of flint, and fronts of brass, 855
With heaven and earth at his command, 132
With heaven my journey’s end in view 960
With heavenly gifts? And shall the rest 715
With heavenly power, O Lord, defend 373
With heedless heart and simpering face, 672
With Him I daily love to walk 171
With him I’ve all the rest 589
With him is free and plenteous store, 178
With Him, O never, never part 171
With him on the mount today thou shalt be, 297
With him sweet converse I maintain 960
With him, their Head, they stand or fall 405
With him they shall for ever reign, 629
With him ’tis ever, ever noon, 664
With him to enter there. 922
With him to live and reign. 580
With him to live, with him to reign, 539
With him, too, we rose again, 657
With him was there anything mixed 220
With him you shall ever dwell. 658
With his delights my soul was cheered, 910
With his divine atonement stand! 387
With his Father in his throne. 830
With his own flesh and dying blood 435
With his spotless vesture on, 145
With holy boldness may we come, 382
With holy fear and humble love. 955
With holy fear, and reverent love, 1070
With holy gifts and heavenly grace, 361
With holy wonder I adore 589
With honour in the high’st 880
With hope we adore at the footstool of God. 243
With humble hope attend thy will, 136
With humility and love. 874
With humility and love. 874
With hunger pinched, he cried and said, 590
With infinite desire 185
With inward gust their heart approves 192
With its fair partner, love 252
With its oil my limbs anoint 702
With Jesus’ flock abide 792
With Jesus in glory adored. 159
With Jesus on his throne, 483
With joy, and sweet harmonious sounds. 590
With joy I leave this world of woe 468
With joy or terror shall confess 75
With joy receive the word 165
With joy shall I lift up my head. 103
With joy, the blest vision completed in thee. 404
With joy the contrite heart replies, 943
With joy the Father does approve 422
With joy they hasten to the place 1001
With joy they shrink to nothing there, 475
With joy this precious truth receive. 174
With joy we approve the design of his love 161
With joy we meditate the grace 120
With joys divinely great. 421
With law, sin, and terrors oppressed. 581
With laws of peace and grace, 541
With legions combined, world, Satan, and sin. 321
With life the ways of God to run 1090
With life, with will, with power, with all. 182
With light and comfort from above, 1134
With living streams and living bread. 1112
With long desire my spirit faints, 369
With long despair the spirit breaks, 935
With longing eyes for thee I wait 393
With looks and hearts serene, 38
With looks divinely mild, 436
With loud hosannas ring. 487
With love and pleasure in his eyes. 363
With love and power divine. 366
With love intense I’d burn 940
With many a groan, and many a tear 1080
With me can have nothing to do 340
With me exalt his name 936
With me tis little else but night 384
With me to sit, to lodge, to live 310
With me upon his heart, 659
With melting heart and weeping eyes, 238
With millions at his bar 494
With mingled cruelty and rage 332
With mingled gums and spices sweet, 794
With miseries more than tongue can tell, 603
With most peculiar joys. 126
With my burden I begin 379
With my earnest suit comply 737
With my last labouring breath 138
With my own reaping-hook to part, 178
With my tears his feet I’ll bathe 158
With neither feet nor legs to stand, 592
With neither shoes nor hose, 590
With new admiring eyes, 469
With new covenant blessings crowned. 735
With nothing here to give me rest. 941
With numbers, blessed with filial fear, 512
With odorous streams of rich perfume. 794
With one accord our hearts we’d lift, 777
With one accord proclaim abroad, 592
With one great choral day. 430
With only sin and misery. 1074
With our names upon thy breast 237A
With pardoning grace and heavenly love, 978
With peace and safety ever blest, 425
With Pharisaic zeal, 353
With pleasure my tongue shall proclaim 523
With pleasure view our Father sit 564
With pleasure we behold 425
With power and grace above the rest. 1140
With power and skill divine 553
With power he rules, and wonders performs 129
With power it came from heaven 151
With power to Jacob’s seed he speaks 943
With pricking thorns to hedge their way. 76
With pure seraphic fire, 508
With pure seraphic joy 127
With radiant glory crowned, 359
With rage and lightning in their eyes, 166
With rapture they adore 15
With raptures then his voice I heard 910
With rash impetuous haste, 775
With reverence the hallowed ground. 159
With reverence would we pray, 683
With rods and stinging scorpions too 898
With royal dainties fed 1122
With royal dainties fed. 831
With sacred truth my loins are girt, 271
With saints and with seraphs to sing 246
With salvation in the sound. 205
With salvation’s walls surrounded, 372
With scarce a gleam of hope between. 286
With seraphim join the theme to prolong 912
With shame and with wonder I burn, 162
With shouting bring forth the head stone, 215
With shouts of sovereign grace. 938
With sin and guilt distressed, 603
With sin and guilt poor Zion toils, 638
With sin oppressed, by law condemned, 592
With singing and triumph to Zion we move! 68
With sinners thou wouldst never sit 310
With sins, and doubts, and fears. 477
With sins, and griefs, and pains oppressed, 1081
With six days’ noise, and care, and toil, 1001
With soft compassion rolls 440
With soft hearts and weeping eyes 827
With soft infection ran 785
With soldier-like behaviour 235
With solemn pleasure sing 663
With solemn pleasure tell, 411
With solemn weekly state 884
With some the tempter takes 775
With sovereign power and energy 454
With springs that never dry. 56
With strength and righteousness. 624
With strength and righteousness. 557
With strength enough, and none to spare. 153
With such a cursed, artful foe? 620
With such a load of sin 196
With such shall not be one, 522
With sweet provisions shall be fed. 365
With sweet surprise to sit and view 602
With sympathising grief to mourn 156
With tears of holy joy, extol 371
With tears of joy, faith now believes 228
With tenderness and skill. 130
With that love which casts out fear. 610
With that rich blessing, love. 30
With the Almighty’s wrathful rod 827
With the beloved disciple, I 962
With the celestial host we join, 38
With the Father, Son, and Thee. 695
With the Holy Spirit’s favour, 500
With the King of glory one 609
With the Lamb inherit. 484
With the sad tale of all your care. 394
With the saints in heaven above, 1118
With the shadow of thy wing. 303
With the smilings of his face. 698
With the strength which he is giving, 735
With the treasures of my God 641
With thee, blest Object of my love 991
With thee it shall go well. 917
With thee, our Lord and King, 1129
With thee resolved to die and live 1052
With thee to be baptized 429
With them thou wilt never part 349
With these a lumpish soul may fly, 49
With this bright hope I walk below 216
With this delightful prospect fired, 387
With this I venture nigh 388
With this my every fear dispel, 1091
With thorns his temples gored and gashed, 797
With thy all-quickening powers 25
With thy all-quickening powers 25
With thy children I would sit, 874
With thy love, and blood, and smart 720
With thy presence, Lord, refresh us, 697
With thy soft flames of heavenly love, 28
With tidings great and grand 586
With tokens of his grace. 509
With tokens of my love. 345
With treasures rich and free. 567
With trembling for relief 731
With unbeclouded eyes 1022
With uncreated rays 167
With unrelenting hearts be viewed, 734
With us evermore abound. 461
With vials full of odours sweet, 19
With voice to raise the dead 374
With warmth, and zeal, and strife. 783
With waters sweet and clear 247
With what raptures he’ll embrace us, 769
With what success, what wondrous grace, 1145
With what we have received 825
With which his name is richly stored, 949
With which the true church is now blest. 544
With wine and milk, and living bread, 587
With wishes warm and strong 773
With wonder and with love. 475
With wonder and with love, 648
With wonder we attend, 371
With wondering eyes, Lord, we admire 660
With wounds still gaping wide, 23
With wrath that we incurred 445
With Zion on his breast. 553
With Zion’s name upon his breast. 571
Withered and barren should I be, 939
Withered and dead, and rooted up 279
Within, however low. 1108
Within my bosom fix thy throne, 903
Within, O what a hellish crew! 510
Within our hearts to move, 448
Within the clefts of his dear side, 924
Within the temple of thy grace 369
Within the veil and see 477
Within these walls, dear Lord, 696
Within these walls let holy peace, 398
Within this soul of mine. 1003
Within thy blest abode, 359
Within thy presence, Lord, 140
Without a bottom or a shore. 33
Without a friend, without a home, 589
Without a glass between. 478
Without a guilty fear. 902
Without a murmuring word 111
Without a seam this garment’s wove, 113
Without a single flaw, 537
Without beginning or decline, 969
Without cessation pray 308A
Without clouds, in heaven we see. 1135
Without declension, more or less, 909
Without desire, or love, or fear, 196
Without distrust or fear. 1113
Without enlivening grace! 402
Without him I can nothing do. 175
Without him we nothing can do. 670
Without its fresh flavour, in knowledge there’s fault 254
Without Jerusalem’s gate 950
Without much pains or cost 817
Without one cheering ray 1069
Without relief and infinite. 47
Without the convoy of thy love. 373
Without the power to act or will. 740
Without thee, cannot rise 679
Without thy graces and thyself, 186
Without thy life-inspiring ray, 962
Without thy peace and presence, Lord, 941
Without thy presence, Lord. 185
Without thy sovereign power, O Lord, 1127
Without thy sweet mercy I could not live here 11
Without your Father’s leave. 1113
Witness thou, Gethsemane. 802
Wonder and joy shall tune my heart, 207
Wonder, love, and bless thy name 416
Wonderful Gethsemane 802
Wondering angels stood confounded 237A
Wonders of mercy best proclaim, 854
Woollen mixed with linen. 800
Words flow apace when you complain, 394
Work all thy will by love. 774
Work in me, Lord, to will and do, 620
Work in me to will and do 1077
Work in us thy precious faith 970
Work with the means, and for this end, 674
Works cannot work thee remission, 876
Works ne’er can make the blessing mine 530
World, and flesh, and devil too. 147
World, flesh, and Satan all surround 304
World, flesh, and the devil, and imitate Christ. 254
Worms approach him, 514
Worship God, then, in his Son 789
Worthy art thou of endless fame 176
Worthy of eternal praise. 970
Worthy of our best esteem 205
Worthy that thou shouldst me consume, 163
Worthy the Lamb! 415
Worthy the Lamb! 415
Worthy the Lamb! 415
Worthy the Lamb, our lips reply, 1005
Worthy the Lamb, shall be my song, 567
Worthy the Lamb that died, they cry, 1005
Worthy the slaughtered Lamb! 922
Worthy thou of love and laud, 857
Worthy thou to be adored, 854
Would chase these shades of night away 910
Would e’er the God of truth make known 981
Would fain like Peter, weep 390
Would fall a thousand times a day 182
Would feel we’re one in him. 661
Would gladly receive him, but fear to presume 804
Would God preserve my soul from hell, 981
Would have the ark and Dagon dwell. 885
Would he bestow such mercies past, 981
Would he devote that sacred head 763
Would he reveal my sin and woe, 981
Would light on some sweet promise there, 761
Would on thy sacred bosom lie, 962
Would pull God’s temple down, 351
Would pull his glory down. 617
Would rear its haughty head 782
Would sound aloud thy saving love, 100
Would still esteem this day the best, 1124
Would they another lot prefer 1013
Would we then rejoice indeed 154
Would we view his brightest glory, 514
Would you condole your dying Friend 786
Wouldst thou find a proper preacher 864
Wouldst thou sin’s dominion flee, 802
Wound the heart that wounded thee 802
Wounded, bruised, serpent-bitten, 876
Wove by everlasting love. 920
Wrapped and swaddled that is he. 776
Wrapped in contemplation sweet 802
Wrapped in humanity, to die 950
Wrapped up in self-conceit and pride, 238
Wrath, and law, and terrors, 306
Wrath and terror 651
Wrath, law, and Satan, guilt and sin, 636
Wrathful, impure, and proud I am 1076
Wrest Jesus’ sceptre from his hands, 351
Wrestle hard with God in prayer. 746
Wrestling prayer can wonders do 397
Wretched and undone we were 1040
Wretches that feel what help they need 218
Write thy new name upon my heart, 1024
Written with iron pens in blood, 163
Wrought by the labours of his Son, 56
Wrought by Zion’s faithful God! 1096
Wrung at the heart, and sweating blood, 712
Gadsby’s Hymn Wjoe2015-02-28T22:29:52-08:00