Great All in all, eternal Power,
On us Thy richest blessings shower;
Inspire our hearts with ardent zeal,
And let us now Thy presence feel.
Shed on our school Thy heavenly light,
And give it favour in Thy sight:
May each young learner early find
A Saviour merciful and kind.
Direct their footsteps, God of grace;
Teach them to seek their Maker’s face;
Let them Thy great salvation know,
And be their portion here below.
And O may we, who teach them, share
In the almighty Father’s care:
In zeal and love may we be found,
And in each Christian grace abound.
Thus, when the last great trump shall sound,
To call us from beneath the ground,
May we, with these dear children, rise
To dwell for ever in the skies.