Irregular C.M.D. or 7.6.D.

O may we love the Bible!
God’s holy Book of truth!
The blessed staff of hoary age,
The guide of early youth;
The lamp that sheds a glorious light
On else a dreary road;
The Word that speaks a Saviour’s love,
And shows the way to God.

O may we love the Bible!
For it alone can tell
The way to save our ruined souls
From Satan, sin, and hell.
In words of truth it tells us how
Lost souls ascend to heaven;
That all who trust in Jesus’ blood,
Their sins are all forgiven.

O may we love the Bible!
That tells of Jesus’ love;
Who came to earth for men to die,
And pleads for them above.
O may we love the Bible!
For which the martyrs died;
And spread the glorious truth of God
Wherever men reside