Perseverance the Effect of Grace.  Rom. 4. 16; Phil. 1. 6

J. Stevens                                L.M.

Grace is Jehovah’s sovereign will,
In an eternal covenant sure;
Which for his seed he will fulfil,
Longer than sun and moon endure.

Grace is a firm but friendly hand,
Put forth by God to save his own;
And by that grace, through faith, we stand,
Adoring at our Father’s throne.

There grace its peaceful sceptre wields,
Inviting souls to venture near;
There Christ his saving Spirit yields
To those whose sins he deigned to bear.

Lord, help us on thy grace to stand,
And every trial firm endure;
Preservèd by thy sovereign hand,
And by thy oath and covenant sure.

Thy willingness to save thy seed,
Is as they stand in Christ their Head;
No act thy grace can supersede,
For thine must live, though they were dead.

Thanks, everlasting thanks be given
To God, to Christ, to matchless grace;
And to that Dove who seals for heaven
All who shall sing Jehovah’s praise!


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