“He hath done all things well.” Mark 7. 37

S. Medley        L.M.

O for a heart prepared to sing,
To God, my Saviour and my King;
While with his saints I join to tell,
My Jesus has done all things well.

[All worlds his glorious power confess;
His wisdom all his works express;
But O his love what tongue can tell?
My Jesus has done all things well.]

How sovereign, wonderful, and free,
Is all his love to sinful me!
He plucked me as a brand from hell;
My Jesus has done all things well.

And since my soul has known his love,
What mercies has he made me prove;
Mercies which all my praise excel;
My Jesus has done all things well.

[Whene’er my Saviour and my God
Has on me laid his gentle rod,
I know, in all that has befell,
My Jesus has done all things well.]

Sometimes he’s pleased his face to hide,
To make me pray, or stain my pride;
Yet am I helped on this to dwell,
My Jesus has done all things well.]

Soon shall I pass the vale of death,
And in his arms shall lose my breath;
Yet then my happy soul shall tell,
My Jesus has done all things well.

And when to that bright world I rise,
And join the anthems in the skies,
Among the rest this note shall swell,
My Jesus has done all things well.


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