The Love of God to his People. Jer. 31. 3; Ps. 3. 8

W. Gadsby   C.M.

Salvation! O my soul, rejoice;
Salvation is of God;
He speaks, and that almighty voice
Proclaims his grace abroad.

How wonderful, how grand the plan!
All Deity’s engaged
To rescue rebel, ruined man
From Satan’s power and rage.

The Father loved us ere we fell,
And will for ever love;
Nor shall the powers of earth or hell
His love from Zion move.

’Twas love that moved him to ordain
A Surety just and good;
And on his heart inscribe the name
Of all for whom he stood.

Nor is the Surety short of love;
He loves beyond degree;
No less than love divine could move
The Lord to die for me.

And O what love the Spirit shows!
When Jesus he reveals
To men oppressed with sin and woes,
He all their sorrows heals.

The Three-in-One and One-in-Three,
In love for ever rest;
And Zion shall in glory be,
And with his love be blessed.


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