“Let us labour … to enter into that rest.” Heb. 4. 11

J. Hart   7s

Lord, we lie before thy feet;
Look on all our deep distress;
Thy rich mercy may we meet;
Clothe us with thy righteousness;
Stretch forth thy almighty hand;
Hold us up, and we shall stand.

O that closer we could cleave
To thy bleeding, dying breast!
Give us firmly to believe,
And to enter into rest;
Lord increase, increase our faith;
Make us faithful unto death.

Make thy mighty wonders known;
Let us see thy sufferings plain;
Let us hear thee sigh and groan,
Till we sigh and groan again;
Rend, O rend the vail between;
Open wide the bloody scene.

Let us trust thee evermore;
Every moment on thee call,
For new life, new will, new power;
Let us trust thee, Lord, for all;
May we nothing know beside
Jesus, and him crucified.


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