Predestination. Luke 16. 26; Eph. 1. 5-12

W. Tucker                                     L.M.

Fixed was the eternal state of man,
Ere time its rapid course began;
Appointed, by God’s firm decree,
To endless joy or misery.

Fixed was the vast eternal deep
Between the goats and chosen sheep;
Nor can a union e’er take place
’Twixt heirs of wrath and heirs of grace.

[Yet erring men make much ado,
And strive to force a passage through;
But, ah! what vain attempt is this,
To strive to ford that deep abyss!]

All glory to the great I AM,
Who chose me in the blessed Lamb;
Whilst millions of the human race
Will never know or taste his grace;

And blessings on atoning blood,
By which I’m reconciled to God;
And praise be to the Spirit given,
Who frees from sin and leads to heaven.


      1. 78.mp3


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