God’s Goodness for the Poor. Ps. 68. 10

J. Hart          8.7.

O how good our gracious God is!
 What rich feasts does he provide!
 Bread and wine to feed our bodies;
 But much more is signified:
 All his sheep (amazing wonder!)
 Feeds he with his flesh and blood;
 Where’s the power can ever sunder
 Souls united thus to God?

When we take the sacred symbols
 Of his body, bread and wine;
 While the heart relents and trembles,
 We rejoice with joy divine;
 Jesus makes the weakest able,
 Feeds us with his flesh and blood;
 Needy beggars at his table
 Are the welcome guests of God.

Cease thy fears, then, weak believer;
 Jesus Christ is still the same,
 Yesterday, today, for ever,
 Saviour is his unctuous name;
 Lowliness of heart, and meekness
 To the bleeding Lamb belong;
 Trust to him, and by thy weakness
 Thou shalt prove that Christ is strong.


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