We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported us in 2021. The donations received were beyond our expectations, and we thank the Lord for opening the hearts of all of you.
With the funds many projects were supported and we hope that spiritual blessings may follow.
At the Mombasa Mission, the road building was completed, in addition to the concreting of the drive to the mission gate. This stopped a lot of mud from being tracked everywhere, but also enabled the locals to be able to come to the mission even in the wettest of situations.
This year was a difficult year at Mombasa Mission because of the drought, so food aid was also a top priority for the missionaries there.
In the Upper West of Ghana, the new conference centre took shape for the Savannah Education Trust. This building is now being used for office space, training, conferences, Bible studies, etc.
Ruth and Zaccheus are still being supported by us while they finish their training. Soon they will have their own classroom in a SET school!
Originally, we had hoped to support the FGEA orphanage in the DRC with new beds. Things changed and beds could not be obtained because of covid shortages. Then civil unrest and other problems arose, putting this plan on hold.
Instead funds were sent for the French Bible translation and also for the orphanage in Asia.
It is evident that man proposes but God disposes.
We look forward to your support again this year!