Mombasa Mission

$0 raised for $15000.00 budgeted

About The Mission

To relieve poverty and advance the Christian religion amongst the people of East Africa particularly, though not exclusively, through the provision of churches, child rescue homes, medical centres and schools, and through the translation and distribution of Christian literature.’’ We support James and Elsie Gudgeon and Sam and Hannah Kingham and their families who are missionaries in Kenya. The Gudgeons were sent out in 2014 and the Kinghams in 2018.

(As of November2022, the Gudgeons returned to England, but the work continues in Kenya with Sam K having the oversight.)

Current Projects

In looking to God to provide for us and direct us in all things, we hope to be able to assist with the work in the following ways:

food aid–assist in continuing to provide material for Sunday school–provide sound literature for students and pastors

provide opportunity for literature to be translated, printed and distributed in the Swahili language–regular maintenance

and upkeep of the vehicle

Make a Donation to this society through ICMS Canada