Savannah Education Trust Fund

$16 000.00 raised of $7 500.00 budgeted

The Savannah Education Trust provides an education for some of the poorest children in West Africa through the provision of Christian schools in northern Ghana. In communities as poor as these, the purpose of education is not necessarily to improve job opportunities but (over time) to improve the quality of life.

The education is focused both on traditional subjects like literacy, as well as on practical skills like hygiene and farming.

Research shows that a primary education has a direct benefit on crop yields in subsistence farming. The rate of children surviving childhood and infancy increases dramatically when the mother has received even a basic education.

Current Project

This year our focus will be on providing one school with a daily lunch. This lunch is very important because it takes the stress off the parents to feed their children from day to day, allowing the children to attend school, rather than having to go out and work the fields

10th Anniversary Publication

In recognition of the 10th anniversary of the launch of the charity in 2005, we created an account of the story of the Savannah Education Trust.  We did so with a deep sense of gratitude to God as we look back over our first decade.

Click on the button below to download the publication in pdf format.

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