Mission Society Blog

Food Program–Pavuu Primary: Upper West Region

By |2023-06-19T16:25:47-07:00June 19, 2023|Mission Society Blog|

We are thankful that we were enabled to provide a lunch program at the school in Pavuu for this year. We acknowledge the Lord for His gracious hand in inclining hearts to give. A brochure was made available outlining the importance of lunch for the children there.  Below are pictures of the brochure

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Latest Update-January 2022

By |2022-01-26T20:38:01-08:00January 26, 2022|Mission Society Blog|

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported us in 2021. The donations received were beyond our expectations, and we thank the Lord for opening the hearts of all of you. With the funds many projects were supported and we hope that spiritual blessings may follow.At the Mombasa Mission, the road building was completed, [...]

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Free Grace Covid Story

By |2021-06-20T21:03:30-07:00June 14, 2021|Mission Society Blog|

In areas where the FGEA works, Covid has affected many people in many different ways.  The most obvious way is in the ability to provide food and necessities.  FGEA, through the Lord's bountiful hand, was enabled to help people out in countries such as Zimbabwe, Myanmar and India. In addition to the food shortages, the children in one of the [...]

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Student Teachers

By |2021-03-19T20:51:26-07:00March 19, 2021|Mission Society Blog|

Bethlehem's Well Mission Society supports 2 student teachers.  These students, Lord willing, will teach at one of the SET (Savannah Education Trust)  schools when they have completed their training. Inside a classroom at Bagri Junior High School Ruth: Pavuu Junior High School Zachaeus:  Bagri Junior High School Help [...]

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Savanah Education Trust

By |2021-03-19T20:02:54-07:00January 25, 2021|Mission Society Blog|

How schools are built The schools are built through a self-help programme. They are constructed by the local community, using local materials. The whole village is in no doubt that the school belongs to them. A borehole, funded by the Trust, provides clean water for the school and is also available for the villagers to use. The Trust is [...]

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Mombasa Mission latest newsletter

By |2021-01-23T20:09:22-08:00January 22, 2021|Mission Society Blog|

Much has taken place since the last newsletter, and we are thankful for the continual support and generosity which has made it possible to continue the work without abatement. We have benefited greatly from the solar power which has been installed recently, and in this area without mains power this has been a great blessing. In England it is so [...]

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Mombasa Mission (Nov 2018)

By |2021-01-23T20:20:19-08:00January 1, 2021|Mission Society Blog|

Safe arrival of Sam, Hannah and Josiah We are thankful to God for the safe journey of Sam, Hannah and Josiah to Kenya, to join James and Elsie and the family in the mission work at Mombasa. They spent a few days acclimatising to the climate in Mombasa city (the temperature there currently is 33°C!) and today are travelling to [...]

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