“But in me is thine help.” Hos. 13. 9; Isa. 43. 11

C. Wesley                               L.M.

Jesus, in whom the Godhead’s rays
Beam forth with mildest majesty,
I see thee full of truth and grace,
And come for all I want to thee.

Wrathful, impure, and proud I am;
Nor constancy, nor strength, I have;
But thou, O Lord, art still the same,
And hast not lost thy power to save.

Save me from pride, the plague repel;
Jesus, thy humble mind impart,
O let the Spirit within me dwell,
And give me lowliness of heart.

Enter thyself, and cast out sin;
More of thy purity bestow;
Touch me, and make the leper clean;
Wash me, and I am white as snow.


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