Chosen to Salvation. Rom. 11. 5; 2 Thess. 2. 13

R. Burnham                  148th

All the elected train
Were chosen in their Head,
To all eternal good,
Before the worlds were made;
Chosen to know the Prince of Peace,
And taste the riches of his grace.

Chosen to faith and hope,
To purity and love,
To all the life of God,
To all the things above;
Chosen to prove salvation sure;
Chosen to reign for evermore.

Nothing but grace appears
In this eternal choice;
It charms the humble saint,
And makes the soul rejoice;
Its endless glories shine so bright,
It makes obedience all delight.

Now, Lord, to us reveal
The all-confirming grace;
And may we all pursue
The shining paths of peace;
Run in the way to joys above,
And ever sing electing love.


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