The Lambs Safe. Ps. 23.; 34. 10; 1 Thess. 5 . 14

J. Hart             104th

Ye lambs of Christ’s fold, ye weaklings in faith,
Who long to lay hold on life by his death;
Who fain would believe him, and in your best room
Would gladly receive him, but fear to presume;

Remember one thing, O may it sink deep;
Our Shepherd and King cares much for his sheep;
To trust him endeavour; the work is his own;
He makes the believer, and gives him his crown.

Those feeble desires, those wishes so weak,
’Tis Jesus inspires, and bids you still seek;
His Spirit will cherish the life he first gave;
You never shall perish if Jesus can save.

[Proud lions, that boast when lusty and young,
Soon find, to their cost, self-confidence wrong;
Tormented with hunger, they feel their strength vain;
For famine is stronger, and gnaws them with pain.

But lambs are preserved, though helpless in kind;
When lions are starved, they nourishment find;
Their Shepherd upholds them, when faint, in his arms;
And feeds them, and folds them, and guards them from harms.

Though sometimes we see the case is not thus;
Bad shepherds will flee, yet what’s that to us?
The Shepherd that chose us must surely be good,
Who rather than lose us would shed his heart’s blood.]

Blest soul that can say, “Christ only I seek.”
Wait for him alway; be constant though weak;
The Lord whom thou seekest will not tarry long;
And to him the weakest is dear as the strong.


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